The fastest way to do this would likely be killing all of that, yes. The slower, and possibly easier to deal with way, would be to replace one group of blocks at a time, then check to see if you can then log back in without issue. In the case of your reactor, I'd say replace the blocks you destroy with casing rather than glass, till you have determined that's not what has caused the issue.
I'm guessing here, but likely this has to do with things that are translucent, and have things "running through them", ie fluid conduits and rendering different colored liquids, or anything that does the same thing as buildcraft's pipes where it shows the items going through. It may also include crystal chests, Iron Tanks (cause of the thing they do where the glass blocks show as part of the tank's capacity), possibly things like vibrant glass where it has particle effects, and stuff like that.
The good news is, you only have to search this particular chunk:
Chunk: (at 9,4,13 in 0,7; contains blocks 0,0,112 to 15,255,127)
The bad news is, it seems like until you have found the offending block and replaced or removed it, you may not be able to enter this chunk again, even if you move your characters position with MCEdit or similar. Because forge for whatever reason can't render whatever the block is attempting to do.