And at this point in our story our two modders decide to team up on their projects bringing better textures to modular armour and better performance to modular powersuits. Ah who am I kidding? I only care about textures not performance, I can play at 13 fps just fineThanks!
Thanks for the ping.@chbachman
Please check out this post on the Daybreaker discussion thread regarding an issue, any guidance you have would be greatly appreciated.
Hey this is my first time posting here. I just have a few questions that i would liked asked. I tried using your armor in Multiplayer server with only my friends but it crashes me out when I try to add Augments. But if i use in single creative player everything works fine. This perplexes me to no end and i cant find a reason why it happens. Same thing happens with Grekos lazer but his crashes the whole server. I could get a crash report for you if that help. Also i have added a few mods to the Horizens that are not with it but again it still works in single player why not Online...
If I could still get the crash log, it would be really nice. That way, I can fix it for everybody else.I am happy to say i figured out the problem. I figured instead of placing the recipe into the grid i had to press upgrade which crashed me out. 1 Other question how does the protection work if i have lava protection on my legs do i need to place it on all pieces or just the legs fine?
It tends not to be the most effective protection armour. I didn't want to go full OP, but the configs allow for changing that.Using the armor with almost every piece with full protection upgrades, all sliders at 100%, and still it seems less effective than diamond armor. I am I missing something here?
I also see that you have general protection listed on the website link but I do not see it listed in the mod list. Using version 1.0.15-38.
(Bit of a random ramble, but wanted to get my feedback/ideas/points across, take from it what you will.)
My opinions/feedback with 1.0.0:
Other than those really (primarily the UI I guess), it's nice to see a replacement for MPS and it's nice to see something a little more balanced. Looks like you're doing great work and I'm looking forward to the new models as well.
- Under recipes, the list goes off the left:
- There are some duplicate entries (like that long general protection string and jetpack)
- Looking forward to the new model - recolouring the armour and the yellow bits would be cool, like MPS
- I found the UI difficult to navigate and use at first, and it still feels difficult to look use while I'm not used to the recipes. I think it'd be best to integrate recipes (or have MPS-style components, so you only need to craft 2-3 items for an upgrade, maybe use some of the CoFH components and/or add some of your own) in to the main UI at so you don't have to keep switching back and forth to see what the recipe was like. Maybe show the components required (eg. 2 gold ingots, 1 reception coil) in the 'upgrades' bit and have an 'add upgrade' button if the items are in your inventory
- Categories for upgrades would be nice - It's difficult to see what's available to you at a glance - I'd like to see categories such as power, protection, mobility, etc.
- Maybe have a block to edit your armour pieces, would be a bit more intuitive
- Make it more obvious which armour piece you are currently editing (currently it shows the body piece in different places in the UI)
These are just my opinions, so take them with a grain of salt, but I love the look of the mod and hope it turns out well. I understand that it's still quite new and in early development/early days, but I'm looking forward to seeing the mod improve with time. I think some UI/functionality changes with recipes would benefit the mod's usability greatly though. But again, just my opinion! Take what you want.
4. The button in the middle is an add upgrade button that only works if you have the items in your inventory.