Whitelist Server ★ Unix Network ★ - RPG Immersion Pack - White-Listed -

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Laser_Face
Real Name: James
Age: 13 (Very Mature Though)
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, Check MCBans: http://mcbans.com/player/laser_face
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): By far my favourite Feed-The-Beast Modpack and hardly any servers for it. This looks like an awesome server to play the modpack and I would love to become part of the community.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Played Single-Player and a few servers (none of them were very good) and thought there MUST be a good server on this ModPack and I think I've hit the jackpot.
What role do you want: Player (I do not have a favourite role and I will try my best to earn a staff rank as well)
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Like I said, I do not have a favourite role and would like to have a little try at everything this server has to offer.
Vow to follow the rules (I Laser (James) vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.)

EDIT: Sorry For Not Putting 5-6 sentences.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: ryter78
Real Name: Nathan Tate
Age: 16 years old
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, check mcbans if needed.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join this server, because there are not many RPG Immersion servers, and the others don't have a whitelist, and are usually have quite a lot of lag. Also, I enjoy Divine RPG, and have gotten bored of playing it alone. Also, I think it would be fun to play with other people on a modpack that I already enjoy. Also, I think that I would be good on a multiplayer version of Divine RPG, because I am good at teamwork. That is the reason that I would like to join this server.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have been playing Divine RPG for a while, and have found out some weaknesses of some of the mobs in the mod. Also, I know the dangers of most of the different dimensions, and also know the abilities of most of the weapons. Also, my favorite weapon in the mod would have to be the Bowhead Anchor. That is the experience that I have in Divine RPG.
What role do you want: I would like to be a mix between a Crafter and a regular player, because it would be fun to help other people by getting them weapons and tools, but to also be able to explore too.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Like I said, I would like the role of a mix of Crafter and a regular player, because I would get to help people, but also explore at the same time. I would like this, because I would get to make tools, weapons, and armor, which would help people in their adventures, but I would also like to explore too. The reason for this, is because I think I would start to get bored if I was just standing around, crafting things for people. That is the reason that I would like the role of part Crafter, part normal player.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, ryter78, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

Luke Clark

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: lukel6
Real Name: Luke Clark
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned before: Not once.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I want to do a lets play for my channel with a friend, looking for a good server, this one looks great! ^_^
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Not much, my friend is going to be showing me, I am joining for the purpose to know how to use it!
What role do you want: I wish to just be a player! But if you need a hand, I am an Excellant builder :D
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): For my lets play, I don't want to be restricted.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): (I Luke vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Real Name:Tony
Age:10 (Mature.)
Have you ever been banned before:Nope!

Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):Well, I've just joined Immersion. All I want to do is to find a server where I can chat and help people! Even though I just joined, I love Immersion already. Its amazing, with some of my fav mods!

What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences):I've seen Captainsparklez on Youtube play this. Because of this, im kind of experienced with it. I know how to make the portals, the items, and know the mobs. I know their health..Kinda, and I know which ones are hard and easy.
What role do you want:A player and crafter if possible. If not both, than Crafter.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences):Well, I want to be a normal player and have the items to make anything I need! I would love that, so I can kill mobs easily, and get items myself too without the need of packages at times. I love when I get what I want, without any trouble, and that's why I want to be crafter/player.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I, Tony, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you for applying, you are accepting, you will be PM'd in one to two minutes of getting this.

Denied, I really didn't feel like you were trying hard enough with your application.

Accepted, you will receive a PM within one to two minutes of getting this.

Denied, did not follow the format.

Even though you have been banned before, I think you're going to be a good addition to the server. Accepted! Also, Miner would be good for now, there's a lot of multi-dimension-travelers.
Denied, not enough information.
Accepted, you will be PM'd with the server information in one to two minutes.
Denied, didn't follow the format.
Denied, didn't follow the format.
Accepted, you will receive a PM within one to two minutes of getting this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: jacob44221
Real Name: katie-jacob (my sister use it too)
Age: 18-15
Have you ever been banned before: Never
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): Server's for This modpack are Rare and i want to play with some peapol and team up :) (have fun too)
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Not much, my friend is going to be showing me, I am joining for the purpose to know how to use it!
What role do you want: Helper-Player
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Help peapol-Team-Enjoy the game :)
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): (I katie and Jacob vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: loganrocks7767

Real Name: Logan

Age: 10

Have you ever been banned before: Nope

Why do you want to join : I like to play some servers and now im into mods and a moded server just sounds fun and i just wanna hang out and play. But if you dont think i should be in
the server its fine i just wanna play with people on the modpack. Have fun and just play a game with people like you guys seems cool. Well since this server seems pretty awesome but I hope you have good thoughts about this apply. Lol thanks if you do

What experience do you have with DivineRPG: I am new to it but I play other mods to so I have some knowledge in mods so I know some stuff but if you dont think im good enough im sorry im just trying
to be the best of me because its me but you can decide if you want to pick me your the owner.

What role do you want: Player

Why do you want that role : Because I like to just play and do a little of everything so I would help the miners and the other people with there stuff and be a cool add to the village because i like playing games with people.

I Loganrocks7767 vow/promise I wont break any rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: shakedatmoo
Real Name: Kiernan
Age: 16

Have you ever been banned before: I believe the last time I was banned was over a year ago. I believe the ip address was something like this: play.swallowserver.net:25565
but then again, I was arbitrarily banned for 'griefing' after not logging on the server for a month. I have not been banned anywhere else, proof of which can be seen here.
Why do you want to join: Perhaps I just want to try out the newest addition to the FTB client with friends. Or maybe I'm going slightly insane from playing SSP for ages because of all the bad servers I've seen in my day. Or maybe you guys just sound pretty cool. I'm brand new to this modpack, so I'm sure that you are all pretty nice people, after all, only the most dedicated griefer would try to fill out a whitelist application (I wouldn't). In any case, this modpack sounds like its meant to be played with friends, or, at least, other players, and I plan to do as such.

What experience do you have with DivineRPG: If you read my previous answer thoroughly, you'll notice I mentioned that I am brand new to this pack. My experience amounts to about five minutes on a SSP world looking at recipes, and skimming a wiki for basic know-how. It was at that moment that I decided this was a modpack to play with buddies. I read up on the various dimensions, and to a newbie, this sounds like it is going to be FUN! Anyways, I digress, hopefully, I can catch on quickly, and that the ore rates are abundant, and that somebody doesn't completely maul me with a Mithril sword (64 Melee damage!).
What role do you want: Tough choice between being a Scavenger or a Traveler.
Why do you want that role: Scavenging is what I usually do on a complete chaos server (read: 2b2t.net) as well as traveling. Traveling is fun, you get to learn the land, and sometimes the things you find eventually lead up to the Scavenging part. Inter-dimensional Travel sounds even cooler. It also earns you respect from higher up players as you run back home, on half a heart, to tell them the location of the JabberwockyBoogeyman or whatever you fight in this pack. Scavenging is what happens when you are exploring a mine-shaft and find a chest with goodies inside and share them among the people of Unixia. both jobs sound very fun, and no hyperlink this time, because I mean genuine fun.

I, shakedatmoo, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Loganrocks7767
Real Name: Logan
Age: 10
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I Love playing modpacks and you seem like a nice cool guy so here I am good at taking a mind of things like say there is a monster that i dont know what it is i judge it by its health and if it fights so thats helpful in my mind. And this other thing when people just dont know about anything and just hop into it man thats just kinda bad you might loose everything. So i could be a helpful guy in times. I am familar with modpacks because I use to play another modpack so im great in teams, By the way i love being in teams so playing alone in my idea isnt fun so I wanna come here to hang out with the people on the server.

What role do you want:If i could mix stuff I would like to be like what ryter78 ( Nathan Tate ) and we can both do the same thing so it would be more fun for us and more helpful for others.

Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I always loved exploring stuff and I think me and Nathan can be a great team. Like i said we can bring people more stuff faster so it would be easier for the whole team. But like say were low on food,wepons, and armour ECT we both can run out and get stuff in forests,other places. ill even risk a full set of like iron armour and a diamond sword/pickaxe to help out if someone needs help thats what i do. But say people didnt need any help with armour or stuff I would help out on stuff they did need. But if anyone doesnt need help at all thats when i get items to give to them faster when they do need them. So thats why i should be something like that.

Vow to the rules (I ___ vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I Logan vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

It means so much to me to play with you guys I wrote a whole new application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: wixo
Real Name: Jakub
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, proof is right here: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/0e1ab1aa9a1d24bbd1bbaadb2a4cfb91b511a9cd (fancy little site)
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): Just came back to FTB after a long gaming break... My jaw hit the floor hard after seeing the RPG immersion pack. I mean, Minecraft has never been this awesome before. Plus I definitely want to meet new players, trade, have fun, make it into a guild perhaps. Can´t wait to hopefully get on the server.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Unfortunately none, I´m writing this after I´ve played only 15 or so minutes of it, but anyways, I´m a quick learner when it comes to Minecraft mods and RPGs (so a combination of both woll not be a problem for me). Hopefully someone would be willing to team up and show me around. How is the community in this regard? After submitting this app I definitely will put a bit more time into exploring the pack, so no worries. (not 5 sentences, but the ones I wrote are pretty long)
What role do you want: Scavenger
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Suits me the best I guess, personality wise. To travel across vast plains in order to bring valuable loot home, face various dangers while doing so... Complete opposite of me :D but hey, that´s what gaming world is for! Having a fellow scavenger as a buddy would be nice too. Again, I´m back at the buddy-seeking point.
Vow to follow the rules: I ,Jakub known as Wixo (would prefer Ater Deus as a RP name though), vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: yohan0422

Age: 15

Have you ever been banned before? No i have not http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/9637e79b9c1b6deca9e8aafab3c703ba764d2705

Why I want to join: I want to join because the plugins used for the this server sound really cool, and I'm new at Divine RPG so I'm hoping to find someone on the server who can help me out and show me what to do.

My experience with Divine RPG: I have'nt done much with this mod pack yet, mostly because I've been looking at the wiki but, while I'm waiting for this application to be accepted or denied I will probably be playing almost nonstop.

The role I want: If I had to choose only one of the roles I think I would pick Builder because I absolutely love building in minecraft, I find it so much fun to plan out my work then experiment a little then start the actual build, thats my idea of a good time. My second choice would be a Banker because I'm hoping to run a business after I graduate and this seems like a good way to try it out.
3: Multi-Dimensional Traveler
4: Miner
5: Scavenger
6: Farmer
7: Player
8: Crafter

My vow: I Perseus Steiner vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstance


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Sh4d0w225

Real Name: Andreas Mild

Age: 17
Have you ever been banned before: I do not believe I have ever been banned.. However chances are that I have been without me getting noticed. I usually have quite some problems with finding a good and reliable server and I have to say this looks extremely promising so to speak.
Why do you want to join: The reason behind me wanting to join is basically.. Well I have been looking for a divine rpg server that is reliable for a looong time so to speak. As well I love the rules on this specific server and as well I love the idea with putting roles in a game like minecraft. Or well.. No one ever does that I think, and well that causes me to get a bit annoyed. I think that I might as well fit in quite perfectly with all the others in this server (something I have been looking to do for a very long time). I believe that I might as well be a good addition to the server in terms of mining or building. I realize that my grammar is quite lacking and for that I sincerely apologize. English is not my mother tongue. You are looking at a true viking from the north ;). Anyways I am going off topic. The reason I want to join is due to me wanting to find an excellent community to just be in and be part of :) And with the rules and what seems to be good staff members I think I will love this place :) If I get in of course.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG: My experience varies a little bit really.. I usually tend to play on single player since I have not found any server for DivineRPG. I am quite new to DivineRPG but I am quite the fast learner and may learn the basics and eventually advance further until I can FINALLY reach world domination! Or not.. It depends on whom shall become my minion or not. Just messing around :) Anyways as said I am new to the DivineRPG but I have a bit of experience with getting brutally (And I do mean brutally) massacred by the new mobs whom are strolling around. Usually when I meant one of these mobs I just tend to drop everything and get the heck out of there as fast as possible. However I have not met all of the mobs and I can't wait till I do. Hmm.. I need to confess that I spawned in items a bit on single player which caused the gameplay to get extremely dull and if I have an opportunity to spawn in items and similar I usually do so and can not resist.. Which is another reason why i'd like to join this server so I won't cheat my way through the entire RPG feeling.

What role do you want: I am not sure if this will be possible but if it is I would love if it is a bit of a mix between miner and builder
Why do you want that role: The reason I would love that mix between miner and builder is basically due to me wanting to be able to build amazing houses and certain patterns around the world if needed. I love going around underground mining as much stuff as I possibly can and possibly get a bit of loot while i'm at it as well.. To just be underground and hearing all those eerie noises.. Well it will make me become a scaredy cat and a bit jumpy so to speak X.x in other words if you sneak up behind me with a creepy skin or so without me knowing I may just go on a berserk and punch them in the face or so, And if I do so on someone as in punch someone in the face.. Which I probably will due to getting startled I might as well appologize right here in advance. Back on topic. I love building as well. I might even build day and night if possible and can work on something for like 5 hours and then just continue improving it along the way as I learn more tricks and trades and similar. As well people say that I have a bit of a talent for floor patterns so I might be able to do some floor art on occasions.. I might even accept requests as in make a floor for others or do something in their name or sorts :) And it will of course be all for free. Not a fan of getting fees for stuff I like to do really. Just building things is a reward enough for me :)
Vow to follow the rules: I Andreas Mild aka Sh4d0w225 vow that I will ALWAYS follow the rules under ANY circumstances

On a last little note i'd like to apologize in case it seems as if I might be a bit stuck-up/spoiled/full of myself/rude or anything such as this I'd like to sincerely apologize.. I am actually a really nice guy and might tell people to knock it off in case they may be stepping over a line so to speak. I might as well be able to solve some situations.. However it depends on the situation. Some people actually tend to say that I am to nice for my own good and as well far to empathic for my good.. However I do not see this as a bad trait :) And that is all.
Sh4d0w225 signing out. Peace!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Real Name:Sean
Have you ever been banned before:Only once on a Tekkit server for making red-matter armor
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):I have been searching high and low for a decent RPG immersion/divine RPG server for a while now.I have played on a few other servers and have some experience but and still very new to this mod. i would like to learn more about this mod pack and would like to meet new friends. this server looks like it would be a great server to stick to after i saw the role's up top in the post. i think i have what it takes to get into rpg immersion and try to beat it.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): i have decent experience. i have played it a few times with my buddies and they have taught me more and more about it every time i play. As of right now i have been told there are 5 dimensions. also i have been told to stay away from anything that isn't vanilla. also real-mite is the best armor i can get before going to the nether ( what i have been told)
What role do you want: Player
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): this role comes out and says to me " Hey sean come do all those role's and try to be the best." so i have accepted the challenge and i shall fight to the top going through dimensions one at a time getting better armors and weapons gearing up through thick and thin. I shall do all those roles and try to survive. so that is why i think the role of " Player " is the right role for me.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I Sean lohman vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.