1. What is your minecraft IGN? : palyboi131
2. Where are you from? : Bulgaria, Europe
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT +2
4. How old are you? 19
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 5-6 hours.
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : A lot, it's listed in my old application.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : ^
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Clean
9. Describe yourself. : Well... I'm a boy, I love cookies and playing minecraft.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because I like it, and I need a good community to play with
11. Why should we elect you? : It's up to you
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I can help other players, build community areas and etc.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : You have it
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : xxChubas
2. Where are you from? : Brazil
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT -3
4. How old are you? : 23
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 4-6h
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Since 1.5.2 FTB, before that custom made packs in single player.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Slow- Building oriented.
9. Describe yourself. : I'm graduated in IT and currently getting my second degree on management now. Not working atm and focusing on studies, i'm 23, turn 24 in april, about 1.82cm height, usually very chill unless highly provoked.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Reaplying
11. Why should we elect you? : Cause i'm the awesome guy that brings everything to debate and help you plan awesome bedrock traps for the old griefer?
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Knowleage and Community buildings/spawners etc, so far i have done that before the reset in the form of nether ghetto hub and the end enderman ghetto farm.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : You have it, i prefer to keep it personal.
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : BoyOnFire
2. Where are you from? : Croatia
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT +1
4. How old are you? : 26
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 2-4 hours on weekends more.
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : 2 years tekkit classic, and some botania, IC2 and thaumcraft, mostly tech stuff.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Mining, tech-guy, I like to learn more tech stuff.
9. Describe yourself. : Im a friendly person, maybe too much social and friendly, hope to meet friendly stuff hereI dont like to play alone.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Cos I think this is the right server for me, rules are great and I like small servers, so everyone get's to know each other.
11. Why should we elect you? : Because I'm mature and friendly, you should give me the chance to prove it, for futher info feel free to call me on skype.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Help other users to share my poor tech knowledge, have fun with others (its the most important thing in games.. to have fun)maybe donate to the server later on...
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : markomofa1
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : rakkie3
2. Where are you from? : Belgium
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT +1
4. How old are you? : 31
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : for the next four months i can play the whole day
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : almost 2 years now, thaumcraft, thermal expansion, forestry and binnie cores mods, applied energistics and a couple more
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : an friendly playstyle, helpful if i can
9. Describe yourself. : friendly and helpful
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because those open servers are full of griefers and i hate griefers
11. Why should we elect you? : Because i love to play with a small community, did this before but the server is down now for the moment so i need a new challenge
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Helping others if i can and hopefully build something beautiful
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : don't have one with the baby that's around here and don't want to bother the others with those noises
Accepted.1. What is your minecraft IGN? :Rkonis
2. Where are you from? :Lithuania
3. What timezone are you in? :GMT +2
4. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? :From 2 to 5 hours.
5. Have you played modded minecraft before? :Yes,I played some modpacks.
6. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? :I play modded minecraft about 1 year.My favourite modpacks are direwolf20 and tekkit classic.
7. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? :I like building "Modded houses",I'm trying to get variety of blocks and trying to adapt them to others.
8. Describe yourself. :My name is Martynas,I live in Lithuania.My hobbies are basketball and of course minecraft!
9. Why do you want to join the server? :I like building "Modded houses",I'm trying to get variety of blocks and trying to adapt them to others.
10. Why should we elect you? :Because I'm friend,mature and polite player and I have experience with tech mods.
11. What can you contribute to the server with? :I can help other players,build something for server.
12. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) :martynass43
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Mipfang
2. Where are you from? : Virginia Beach, Virginia
3. What timezone are you in? : Eastern
4. How old are you? 27
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 3-4 through the work week and 9-12 hours on the weekends
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes, Unleashed, Modsauce, Monster, Direwolf20, Madpack, and Infinity
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Those ^ haha
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I'm a big aesthetic builder and I love community projects
9. Describe yourself. : Im 27 and an electrician in the United States Navy. I am married to my best friend and I love minecraft
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because I loved playing with you guys in the last map!
11. Why should we elect you? : I have alot of skills to give to the server community. I love hub projects and community towns and farms
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Spawn base with farms and useful mob spawner builds
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : justin.butcho
Accepted.1. What is your minecraft IGN? : MijnNickname
2. Where are you from? : Belgium, Europe
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT +1
4. How old are you? 21
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : often busy but play when i can, 3 hours minimum a day.
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : for like a year or 2 Skyblock with mods.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Well Agrarian skies and making my own version based of an other modded skyblock mod pack.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Small and efficient.
9. Describe yourself. : Calm, funny sometimes and always try to be nice to everyone.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : I'd like to hang with some people, on my skyblock i feel soo alone... o.o
11. Why should we elect you? : ^
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I can... try to keep an eye of the behavior of others?
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : You have it
Accepted, if you tell me your skype. (You can send me a private message)1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Crhymez
2. Where are you from? : Germany
3. What timezone are you in? : CET
4. How old are you? : 28
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : I am embarrassed to say. Lets just say 5hrs...
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : I have been playing modded minecraft since before FTB was a thing. Before forge was an option to mod with.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : FTB: Insanity, Ultimate, Unhinged, Monster, Magic farm, Agrarian skies... well almost all of them. ATlauncher: Sky Factory, Mad pack, UHS, Modsauce Tekkit: B-Team
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I like to mine, explore and build. I tend to make overly beautify my builds just to house my machines.
9. Describe yourself. : Im easy going and easy to get along with. I make friends rather easy and i am very social. I like to help others that like to help themselves. I love the outdoors (hiking, Fishing and biking). I take peoples word with skeptic but i believe most unless i can prove other wise.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Im interested in small tight knit communities where griefing is not a problem, Also the fact that your close to my location IRL it will help reduce lag for me. I also think i will become a great asset tot he sever with knowledge that i bring.
11. Why should we elect you? : If i am elected i will solve.... oh wait this isnt my presidential election?on a serious note, i am a mature player that will only add to the server for the better.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I have great knowledge of servers and mods in general. Also i will be an active player...
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : Will share if added, but prefer TS
Accepted.1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Smass
2. Where are you from? : Lithuania
3. What timezone are you in? : GMT +2
4. How old are you? : 15
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 4-8h
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : all 1.7. favorite: Infinity, Direwolf20, Unstable, Flux Galaxy, Resonant Rise, Sky Factory 2.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Live Together or build a nice Huge Village.
9. Describe yourself. : I'm scoolboy (8class), living in Klaipeda City, proggraming C#, js and somtimes html, php language and making games with Unity Game Engines also making cool stuff electronic with Arduino (8x8x8 led cube).
11. Why should we elect you? : Cause i'm the awesome builder know to much of mods and i good helper.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Build nice Village, i'm good of autocrafting, programmer, mechanics.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : You have it (nenugalimasis123)
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Timdarkine
2. Where are you from? : Belgium
3. What timezone are you in? : CET Brussels
4. How old are you? 20
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 3-4 through the work week and 9-12 hours on the weekends on average
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : all the way back to the first tekkit
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Progression Fanatic + efficiency
9. Describe yourself. : I am 20 years old, currently on my internship for one of the largest beer companies in the
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because I felt the server was worth spending time on
11. Why should we elect you? : Im friendly selfless, enjoyable
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : My taste of humor, urge to help people and my lack of lagg causing builds
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : Timstrik1994