1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Minz1
2. Where are you from? : US, Nebraska
3. What timezone are you in? : CST
4. How old are you? : 15
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 3-4 hours weekdays, much more weekends
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Couple years, mostly Technic and FTB packs. Things like TW2 and... Tekkit, lol.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I love doing the techy stuff, and some of the more interesting magicks.
9. Describe yourself. : supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
10. Why do you want to join the server? : So I can play with an awesome community, and make awesome builds.
11. Why should we elect you? : Because... uh... I will.. lower taxes for all?
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Big, public farms/spawners for general use
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : mastercrafter52
Accepted.1. What is your minecraft IGN? : RedNeck_GreNade
2. Where are you from? : TN USA
3. What timezone are you in? : EST
4. How old are you? : 18
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 2-8 hours a day
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : I've played a little.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : I used to play Tekkit and I played on here for a little bit so I know some more than I did before.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I like the tech parts of the pack
9. Describe yourself. : I'm not that much of a talker but if you get to know me I'm pretty cool
10. Why do you want to join the server? : I am wanting to play this modpack some more
11. Why should we elect you? : I think I will be a nice person to have on the server
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I can help with community projects and I can help people if they are stuck on something
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : jesse.whittemore
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : obliv1on
2. Where are you from? : I am from Stockholm, Sweden
3. What timezone are you in? : UTC +1
4. How old are you? : I am 15, soon to turn 16
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : I will not be able to play everyday, because of school, but i will definetly play during weekends
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes, I have
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : i have been playing modded minecraft for about 1 year. I have been playing on a variety of modpacks (B-Team, Yogscast complete, Crackpack, and lately agrarian skies with my friends)
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I am more of a achiever and builder, i try to do very nice bases, and do a lot of machinery.
9. Describe yourself. : Well, i am a 15 year old boy who likes to play everything from minecraft and ETS2 to CS:GO and Tomb Raider. I am also trying to be as active on Twitch as possible, I am trying to stream as often as possible. I also love sports and and talking with my friends, from talking on the phone to Skype etc.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : I would like to join this server since i have been searching for a good whitelisted, modded MC server, that is not like some of the few servers i have been on before (those servers have been a total mess). I would love to start playing here, to build and explore and to be able to meet new people
11. Why should we elect you? : I think that you should elect me because i always tend to be very involved with the server and everything related to it. I will always try to maintain a good relation with other players and to always try to start interesting events, or group projects on the server.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I will contribute with sincere dedication to the server, i will try to help out other people as much as i can, even if its with very complicated things. I will always try to contribute to community builds in any way i can, and i will also try to maintain a good experience for other players on the server.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : twitch.0bliv1on
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Skeepoh
2. Where are you from? : USA Northern Part Specifically
3. What timezone are you in? : CST
4. How old are you? : 16
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : Probably about 12 to 20 hours per week, especially when school allows.
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : I have been playing since the first FTB packs were publicly released.
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I usually play split between tech and magic, but I do like to specifically dabble in thaumcraft.
9. Describe yourself. : 16 Year Old Straight A High Schooler trying to find a good job and make it to a good college.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : I would like to play on a stable srver more so than others I have played on and this lopoks like a perfect match for
11. Why should we elect you? : I will put many hours into the server and help people as much as I can.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : Helping out people with a multitude of things.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : Private, but if accepted will gladly give.![]()
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : okimo
2. Where are you from? : Czech Rep.
3. What timezone are you in? : +1 CET
4. How old are you? : 20
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : Depends from 4 hours to even whole day
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Playing since Technic pack (Tekkit)
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Errr good question .... like 7 years? can it be?... Well it will be ton of them Count Tekkit then early release of FTB and since official release of FTB team and mod pack, the biggest one which was available (Unleashed, Monster etc.) also played OLD FTB pack now know as Retro pack
then Agrarian skies and done it both without cheating! ;D
(So every mod inside of these packs
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Making automation of whole things + RP
9. Describe yourself. : Errr... Happy person who loves people around?
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Well I was here at ver. 1.1.0 and lost my diamonds so time to take them back! ;D
11. Why should we elect you? : Well Compared FC players I'm like Direwolf ... I like to make things automated and love making some do hickey stuff
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : As said above + programming in Computer Craft
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : radan_valenta
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Knosox940
2. Where are you from? : Germany
3. What timezone are you in? : +1
4. How old are you? : 25
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : depens in the week 2-4, weekends 2-4+
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : yes played most of the popular packs around ftb, also madpack.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : modded for ~ 4 years (Unleashed, Ultimate, Monster, TPPI, Madpack )
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : the technic part.
9. Describe yourself. : Im a helpfull nice person, mature and would never do things like griefing etc..
10. Why do you want to join the server? : I was already accepted 2 days ago and wanted to start yesterday, but server got updated.
I think i can help alot with my knowledge in technic mods for some "new" players. I also played Infinity for a bit, but the server i was on moved to NA and was laggy.
11. Why should we select you? : As i said above im a trustfully person and would never disrespect other persons.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : technic knowledge and online activity if the server fits for me
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : spit6889 (but im not 100% online in skype)
Accepted.1. What is your minecraft IGN? : NightHawk___
2. Where are you from? : Australia
3. What timezone are you in? : Australian Eastern Standard Time
4. How old are you? : 14
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : around 4+ hours a day
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes, Im already on the server.
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Infinity Pack, Attack of the B-Team, Crackpack, Tekkit etc...
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Survival set to hard.
9. Describe yourself. : A hard working friendly person.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because I love the server and the people on it.
11. Why should we elect you? : Because I love learning with people and sharing what i know. Also its an amazing Mod Pack.
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : I can contribute my time and the knowledge I have of the Mod Pack.
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : benjamin_finlay
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : DrMundy
2. Where are you from? : Italy
3. What timezone are you in? : UTC+1
4. How old are you? : 17
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 3-4h (Something Before)
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : I've been playing minecraft modded since tekkit , then i discovered FTB so i started with Monster for a couple of years then infinity came up , and i decided to move onto new stuff C:
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : I like the peaceful gameplay where you can build stuff without having trouble that someone could destroy it , meet and have fun with new people.
9. Describe yourself. : I'm hard-working person who can help other people if needed.
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because i really like the way this server is managed .
11. Why should we elect you? : Because i've been looking for a great FTB server since ages , and now i found one
12. What can you contribute to the server with? :
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : linvectus3000
1. What is your minecraft IGN? : Pe46dro
2. Where are you from? : Italy
3. What timezone are you in? : UTC+1
4. How old are you? : 18
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? : 2/3 Hours
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? : Yes
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : Direwolf 20 > Monster > Infinity
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? : Classic vanilla
9. Describe yourself. : I'm a fine player, i like build my house and improve it whit all mods
10. Why do you want to join the server? : Because it seem a good server whitout grifer kid
11. Why should we elect you? : Because i'm not a grifer and i help other player
12. What can you contribute to the server with? : mod acknowledgement
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) : pe46dro
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? : I've been playing modded minecraft for 1 and half year , i played a little bit Direwolf20 , spent a whole year in Monster and now i'm playing Infinity since 5-6 monthsNot enough information