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  1. T

    Is there a reason to put water in a multitank/xycraft tank?

    Yeah, filling water cells quickly is a practical use for a water tank. I've also used one to automatically fill buckets for use in water mills in the nether, when I didn't have enough UU-matter to use it to make water source blocks.
  2. T

    Trouble With Liquids

    Is the liquid transposer getting a stray redstone signal from somewhere that's shutting it off, assuming its redstone control is set to the default mode?
  3. T

    Recommended LP series for ultimate?

    Ooh, I'm getting recommended now! Thanks, glad you're enjoying my stuff. :-)
  4. T

    Ways to kill a Pig Zombie

    Any particular reason you want to run your matter fabricator on diamond dust? There are plenty of much-easier-to-get amplifiers.
  5. T

    Syncing Worlds Across Multiple Computers With Dropbox

    FTB doesn't fundamentally change the way world saves work, so that should all be perfectly applicable.
  6. T

    Sawmill in 1.5.2 (this was a bug, Mod author knows)

    Macerator gives 5 blaze powder, though! One of the few things it's still best at even when Thermal Expansion and GregTech are present.
  7. T

    Above ground or below?

    Depends on how much challenge I want. For me, it's easiest to make my home in a cave, slightly harder to make it on the surface, and much harder to make it floating in the air. Usually I'll start in a world by digging out a temporary underground base, then either build on the surface or go...
  8. T

    Sawmill in 1.5.2 (this was a bug, Mod author knows)

    Interesting. Has the same change been applied to the GregTech sawmill, or does it still give you 6 planks?
  9. T

    How should a youtuber start an FTB series?

    For my own videos, I use a few rules of thumb to answer questions like this: Assume players know how vanilla Minecraft works already, and that they have at least a passing familiarity with the most common mods. Don't be too repetitive, and don't hesitate to cut the video if you have nothing to...
  10. T

    Oblivion Frame?

    I'm pretty sure they don't. Can't remember the numbers offhand, but as I recall, one uranium ore in a mutator will exactly hit the maximum mutation bonus without risking turning your princess artificial, and uranium ore gives significantly more mutation bonus than three soul frames. I'd check...
  11. T

    ThemsAllTook plays FTB (MindCrack/Ultimate mod pack)

    Episode 91: EU teleportation Episode 92: Level 100
  12. T

    Mindcrack Multifarms?

    You don't need to give farms heat, only water (and fertilizer, power, etc. of course). The stats you see when you expand the hydration tab just tell you how much water is required, and what environmental factors are influencing that. If, for example, you sleep every night and never allow it to...
  13. T

    ThemsAllTook plays FTB (MindCrack/Ultimate mod pack)

    Episode 89: Getting stuff done Episode 90: Slacker zombie
  14. T

    InfiniWatermill, How to make without RP2?

    Hm? Sure they do, you just have to insert from the bottom.
  15. T

    Effective Router usage

    Cool, thanks for the tips. Guess I have to find a block that has an inventory, is cheap to craft in large quantities, and doesn't ruin my aesthetics too much...tricky! I suppose I could use something like furnaces and just hide them in a wall somewhere.
  16. T

    Effective Router usage

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for some tips and tricks from some of our more experienced members on ways to use routers better in my world. I love what they do, but I've run into a couple of problems I haven't been able to solve: I have a system for sorting bee products into barrels, with an...
  17. T

    InfiniWatermill, How to make without RP2?

    I've done this with buildcraft pipes and a Xycraft tank with xychorium water filling it (in the nether, hilariously enough). An emerald pipe on the bottom of each water mill pulls out its bucket when it's empty. The pipes are arranged in a loop, with a diamond pipe at one spot moving empty...
  18. T

    Delay Limit on Autarchic Gates Output?

    Yeah, I've found that autarchic gates can't be controlled that precisely. In situations where I want something like this, usually I have to either make do with pipe empty = energy pulser (slower than 1.35 seconds per pulse), or use some pipe wire logic to pull out a bunch of items and then wait...
  19. T

    Drill requires plates now??

    They can? I've noticed the machines have buttons with nondescript icons, no tooltips, and no documentation...where does one go to find usage information for them?
  20. T

    Automated cherry farm ideas?

    If apatite is an issue, fertilizer can be made with saltpeter instead. From the perspective of 1.4.7 Ultimate, I know of 5 different ways to get renewable saltpeter: - Find yourself a saltpeter spawner block, and set up a system for converting sand into it. Very tricky from what I understand...