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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. K

    Open Server DireFox|Direwolf20 (Recommended) |Open|Dedicated 24/7 | Shops | Grief Prevention

    Whats up with the server been down almost all day is there problem?
  2. K

    Open Server FTB Unleashed Server No ban item

    testing now will check in latercant connect says outdated client but im using most recent version 1
  3. K

    Whitelist Server MindFunk Server | FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 | Small Mature Community | Dedicated Hosting | Recruiting Now

    IGN:keloria Age:21 Why do you want to join us?:I want to join a mature server where turtles aren't banned Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:Yes, Hopping over a wall in a prision server Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:Yes What type of person would you describe...
  4. K | Premium FTB Server

    my IGN is keloria
  5. K | Premium FTB Server

    Where you heard about the server:Keloria Why you would like to play on the server: i would love to play one a FTB server that has a decent amount of people and the server is not always down If you have any bans on record only 1 for block jumping over a wall What can you bring to the community...
  6. K


    Hi um I need help im stuck in an age cause i forgot to make a linking book can an op or admin help?