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  1. M

    Trident Pre-Release Party

    And the "Best Comment Ever Made On This Forum" Award goes to... Deefster10k! Congratulations! Mr Big Bad, with all the respect, Deefster10k just hitted the nail on the head.
  2. M


    First of all, the problem is that you use CAPS LOCK in the title. Secondly, you lack patience. Try to fix those two and you will see that your Redstone and Diamond luck will come back.
  3. M

    1.6.4 Modpack releases

    How come the Horizon mod pack has 2GB in their start.bat/.sh script? "java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=128m -jar FTBServer-1.6.4-953.jar nogui"
  4. M

    Mystcraft World

    Quarry? If I where you I would have posted that in a separate thread to follow the current topic/discussion.
  5. M

    Mystcraft World

    Found this thread via a search engine. Found it very interesting. Unfortunately the last piece of the puzzle is missing... Edrosty, did you manage to create an End Dense Ores Sheldonite World? Thx.
  6. M

    MassFab causing API ERROR

    What kind of cable? Glass fiber? Still a lot of spam in my server console. 2013-08-03 18:26:23 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMatter@5547bf20 (0:606,71,2511) didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted (512) although...
  7. M

    MassFab causing API ERROR

    I agree. I can post a gazillion of lines containing that warning message.
  8. M

    infamy Pack?

    FTB Launcher says that Infamy 1.2 is the latest one. Have anyone found the 1.2 server?
  9. M

    infamy Pack?

    There is a server released. Here is what I've found: 1. Go HERE link and download the file "Warfare Server files - technic 3.1.7 - FTB". In case they deny directory browsing, the direct link to the file you want to download is THIS. 2. Unzip the downloaded file in a directory where...
  10. M

    try (with default port)

    try (with default port)
  11. M

    Yep, the server starts when I removed the mekanism mods. Now going for starting the client.

    Yep, the server starts when I removed the mekanism mods. Now going for starting the client.
  12. M

    BTW, do not feel any pressure that you have to help me. You don't. I'll look into this and see...

    BTW, do not feel any pressure that you have to help me. You don't. I'll look into this and see what I can do. I just wanted you to see the whole error message, as a FYI.
  13. M

    In the first attempt, I copied everything except for the "world". In the recent second attempt...

    In the first attempt, I copied everything except for the "world". In the recent second attempt, I used all your files and world file, no changes at all. I even used the same Java parameters. Still the same error (see I'll try again, I...
  14. M

    First attempt failed (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: mekanism/common/ItemElectricBow). Trying...

    First attempt failed (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: mekanism/common/ItemElectricBow). Trying again. (Just a side note, it's 2:10am local time for me :))
  15. M

    FTB-Beta-A.jar? Now I'm confused. I thought it was a NWMP server?

    FTB-Beta-A.jar? Now I'm confused. I thought it was a NWMP server?
  16. M

    Downloading. Yep, the current server I have uses mcpc+. Laucher.bat? Naah, I use Debian Linux :)

    Downloading. Yep, the current server I have uses mcpc+. Laucher.bat? Naah, I use Debian Linux :)
  17. M

    Wow. That's very kind of you. I liked the combination of mods. Was nice to see Galacticraft in...

    Wow. That's very kind of you. I liked the combination of mods. Was nice to see Galacticraft in it too :)
  18. M

    Unfortunately, I can't make it work as I want it. Due to the fact that some mods demands special...

    Unfortunately, I can't make it work as I want it. Due to the fact that some mods demands special server and client packages, and I only received the client packages.Thanks for your effort though. However, I'll check it out in single player mode.
  19. M

    I'm working on it. You play with client only. I use a server + client, so I have to make sure...

    I'm working on it. You play with client only. I use a server + client, so I have to make sure everything works on both places.
  20. M

    Tack mannen, as in thanks man :) Minken gives a public donut to cloudbyday90!

    Tack mannen, as in thanks man :) Minken gives a public donut to cloudbyday90!