Hi all,
Some MassFab complications, I have set these up many times before so I am a little confused as to whether this is a bug I should be reporting or something that has changed in the newer version & I am not understanding it - hey maybe I broke something, anythings possible!
1.5.2 Beta Pack 0.7
Java build 1.7.0_17-b02
I have a MassFab attached directly to an MFSU linked to another EU reticulation system (Turbine -> MFSU -> MVT -> 2 x Induction Furnaces), the MFSU for the MassFab is cabled from a point between the Turbine MFSU & the MVT. That MFSU is not charging 100% but to be honest I expected it would drain & the side effect would be that the MassFab runs at reduced capacity - which is exactly what is happening.... Except I get this spamming the server console every minute or so (there is no crash or other error I can show):
Any thoughts, bug / new rev changes / id10t problem? Thanks
Some MassFab complications, I have set these up many times before so I am a little confused as to whether this is a bug I should be reporting or something that has changed in the newer version & I am not understanding it - hey maybe I broke something, anythings possible!
1.5.2 Beta Pack 0.7
Java build 1.7.0_17-b02
I have a MassFab attached directly to an MFSU linked to another EU reticulation system (Turbine -> MFSU -> MVT -> 2 x Induction Furnaces), the MFSU for the MassFab is cabled from a point between the Turbine MFSU & the MVT. That MFSU is not charging 100% but to be honest I expected it would drain & the side effect would be that the MassFab runs at reduced capacity - which is exactly what is happening.... Except I get this spamming the server console every minute or so (there is no crash or other error I can show):
12.07 03:09:32 [Server] WARNING API ERROR: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMatter@79140b4d (0:494,51,-114) didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted (512) although demandsEnergy() requested 512.
Any thoughts, bug / new rev changes / id10t problem? Thanks