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  1. P

    SteveChem alpha (very unfinished)

    Omg this sounds incredible. I wanted something like this for so long, even contemplated making it myself :P But I'd likely not stick to making it and such and have like no experience in MC modding xD So nice one, looking forward to see it grow.
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    1.6.4 Shader Mod working properly (Download link) or: Get your Minecraft beautified!

    For some reason shader mods hates me.. I get like 0-2 fps with it, even in menu screen... ingame too, but strangely it goes to normal FPS in pause-screen Oo
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    Getting started with rotarycraft

    RotaryCraft is simple until you go in-depth with it xD or maybe im just dumb :< Like the most efficient way to run an extractor and such @Coil: well you can make that :P add comparator and make it turn off a clutch when the coil is getting full
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    Whitelist Server nFernalGaming | Monster 1.0.11 | Whitelist | Dedicated | Mumble

    Btw, just wondering, is the CC HTTP API enabled on this server? (was on earlier but forgot to ask and can't log on right now xD)
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    Mod Suggestions for 1.6

    Mod Name: Glenn's Gases (&Gases Framework) Link to Mod: (MC Forums) (modpage) Version: (available for MC1.6.2, MC1.6.4 and MC1.7.2) Reason(s)...
  6. P

    Whitelist Server nFernalGaming | Monster 1.0.11 | Whitelist | Dedicated | Mumble

    1. In-Game (MC) Name: _Hako 2. Age: 18 or higher 3. How many times have you been banned? From what I know, zero times 4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? Uh, I don't really have one. I've read a couple of the warcraft books quite a while ago but they weren't so good...
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    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion Pastebin link to crash log: keeps occurring every 5-10 seconds Whats the bug? Lots of Thermal Expansion errors, re-installing the modpack and removing all TE TileEntities didn't fix it. Can it be...
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    Squids Are OverPowered

    hmm this calculation must be wrong this is 90 ranchers each producing 1 ink sac per second that would be 90 ink sacs per second. 1 36HP boiler needs 36 buckets of biofuel to run (aka 10 mb per second) new bioreactor math: 5 mb per ink sac => 450 mb per second => can run 45 boilers old...
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    Squids Are OverPowered

    so i tried my hand at this squid abusal 1 squid :D those ranchers eat more than 100 mj/t <.< edit: so after finding out rancehrs arent as limited i updated my build a bit:
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    Modular Powersuits: Heat?

    Or a Thermal Expansion Infuser
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    Modular Powersuits: Heat?

    Too much heat sets you on fire and damages you :D
  12. P

    Thoughts on the Quarry

    Set and forget? But i have to relocate it ever few hours :<
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    Thoughts on the Quarry

    Just wanted to make clear that the laser drill is more of a massfab, not a miner
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    I actually hate either bleed or fire, dunno which one, but when I had both I punched a mob and i got the damage, the dot and the fire; but then i couldn't punch it again (like if i did, it just didnt do anything) till that wore off
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    Um, claw adds additional damage?
  16. P

    Suggestion: Add ComputerCraft to Unhinged

    Yeah and I'm sure he couldn't just have disabled turtles, like he does, with you know, every other mod :3 But wait, then his PC stuff would be less useful~
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    "don't like it, don't play on a server that uses it"?
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    The worst thing about the armor compared to MPS is that you can't turn the bloody thing off, its so annoying at times when I just try to jump a little or walk a little or NOT go up a block :p @Force Armor Efficiency: Yeah, you can easily see this by equipping force armor and trying to punch...
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    What mod is pissing me off on unleashed

    One piece of lapis wont do much in terms of Fortune? And uh, well yeah, the whole point of a quarry to me is that i can do other things while it mines
  20. P

    What mod is pissing me off on unleashed

    Personally, I find it more annoying due to the fact that it limits my ability to get back to where I died and survive there (well at least in the early stage of the game)