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  1. H

    Problem Server Dead Locks

    Alright, so I am running into a seemingly random issue. Sometimes my server appears to deadlock. Now what do I mean by this. I mean that it is still running and still processing but players cannot log on. The only way to resolve it is to restart the server. I cannot figure out what causes...
  2. H

    Request Server Status Widget for Website?

    Anyone know a good widget to display Minecraft Server status. I don't mean your server status I mean actually minecraft status like: does. I thought about iFraming that website on my site, but iFrames stink (because I am no good with them) and can not get my iframe to...
  3. H

    [1.7.10] Fairy Tail - Wooooow!

    PACKCODE: nspfairytail PACKWEBSITE: Fairy Tail is a hit anime series still going on. It is an anime that focuses on magic, wizards, quests, and all that good stuff. This modpack was designed to put that all into Minecraft to the best of my ability...
  4. H

    Request Logging Messages

    Alright, so I imagine this is probably the best place to put this thread. So I have a server running kCauldron. I am sure few if not many of you may use kCauldron, Cauldron, or some type of Hybrid between Forge and Bukkit. My question is relatively simple. Do any of you out there know of a way...
  5. H

    [1.7.10] Celestial Craft - Different Type of Mod

    Hey there. So I posted in my introduction how I was working on a New Mod and I was going to make a post about it once I got comfortable with its state. I would just like to note that this mod is still a Work In Progress and I am actively developing it. But I want to let people become aware of...
  6. H

    [1.7.10] Lost Connection? To half my population?!

    Alright, so I have a question and maybe some other server owners/administrators can shed some light on it. I host my server off a dedicated box via OVH. The service is great and I really can't complain about them at all. I am noticing however that randomly my server just dumps a number of my...
  7. H

    Your Pack Type?

    What kind of packs do you like? Main Stream? Non-mainstream? What do you look for in a pack? In your experience?
  8. H

    Hello there!

    Hello there! My name is HalestormXV. Yeah I dont know why I never joined this site before. I always wind up visiting it. But yay! Now I joined. So hello to all. I recently just dipped into Mod creation and just came out with a new mod called Celestial Craft. What Do I Do I develop games along...