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  1. S

    Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

    IGN:Scorpion99 Position:Grunt/Bee Apprentice I'm not that good at technical stuff or aesthetic builds but I always love to help other people to finish their awsome builds. I also love bees but I'v never gotten really far into it, so I'm more then helpful to assist Lady_Oolong:). I didn't post...
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    Extra bees

    Extra bees is in the mindcrack pack but not in the DW20 pack
  3. S

    So.. What are we waiting on?

    Sorry for swedish link;)
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    So.. What are we waiting on?

    You probably saw Morvelairas tweet, but she had false information. Confirmed by slow today
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    So.. What are we waiting on?

    The ultimate pack is getting realesed in about 3-4 weeks and your maps from mindcrack and direwolf pack will work, i'm not sure if FTB a worlds will work
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    Updates on my end

    LOL, thats awsome!
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    Universal Electricity Mod Pack

    Oh, thats good:)
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    Universal Electricity Mod Pack

    I think the Voltz pack is ok if they have the permissions
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    Ferrous Ore?

    Ok, didn't find it in NEI(mindcrack)
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    Ferrous Ore?

    Yup, she removed it
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    [16x] Familiar yet Different [1.6.X-1.7.X][FTB][Dead]

    Looks awsome! I love low res texture packs!
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    My Build List - Help me expand it!

    Yup, Zombie pigmen dosn't get hurt by water but they can drown in it
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    Red Power 2 is out!"Make your world red comrade"

    Red Power 2 is out!"Make your world red comrade"
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    My Build List - Help me expand it!

    Build a wizard tower with TH3 things in it, make a wall full of jars for storing the aspects!
  15. S

    Your first world after the Ultimate pack is released?

    Basic house with a cellar. Insted of IC2 machines(like macerator) I will use thermal expansion. Also coke furnace, industrial blast furnace, forestry machines. I'm also making a fram quarry becuse they are cool:cool: I want to try out a bit Factorization, I've only used barrels. EDIT: Forgot one...
  16. S

    Forum Game - The Ban Game

    Freyr should be banned becuse he dosen't like the Christmas atmosphere;) EDIT: Sorry for bad grammar, I'm swedish
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    Xeno's Reliquary

    Awsome, looks really great Xeno!
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    Does the launcher work for you?

    It works for me
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    X-Rayers, speedminer hackers, flyhackers are here!

    The reason why the modpack dosen't have bukkitit support is becuse cpw stopped developing ForgeBukkit becuse of the time it took to update it. In 1.5 you shouldn't have any troubles with hackers becuse in 1.5 the mod/plugin api should be done.
  20. S

    Mac Why is my game crashing?!?!?

    In a terminal Cd to the directory the launcher.jar is in Type export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home then type java -jar launcher.jar This worked for me