Mac Why is my game crashing?!?!?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I downloaded this mod-pack earlier today and I can open the .jar and login to my MC Account and all that stuff but when I click login, it downloads the MC files and the mod files and all that but then the Minecraft window opens and then, after about 10-20 seconds, the Minecraft window crashes! It stays a black screen from the time it opens to the time it closes! Here is the log from the FTBLauncherLog.txt as it doesnt give me a Minecraft crash log:
I am not experienced with this sort of stuff nor do I know a great deal about this modpack but i do know its has more or less all the mods that Tekkit has and MORE!

EDIT: Note, the whole launcher closes as a result of the Minecraft window crashing!
Jul 29, 2019
And how exactly do I do that because I am having the same exact problem?
It's been a while since I've had a Mac, but to get to Terminal you go into your Applications folder, into Utilities and then select Terminal. After the window opens, type what was provided in Meldiron's quote - downgrading Java is likely not a solution to the issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In a terminal
Cd to the directory the launcher.jar is in
Type export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
then type java -jar launcher.jar

This worked for me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Note that java 6 is reccomended for FTB due to java 7 causing some issues on mac.
I also believe that the code only works for java 6.
So if you have java 7 try changing to java 6 and then do the code thing again. Hopefully that will work :)
We really could use a mac guru here at tech support :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, the mods are compiled with Java 7, and therefore, on anything BUT a Mac, Java 7 is recommended. Due to a typical instance of Apple asshattery, Java 7 is not optimal on Mac platforms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My bad, should have been clearer on that the reccomendation only was for mac and not in general.
Thank you for pointing that out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, the mods are compiled with Java 7, and therefore, on anything BUT a Mac, Java 7 is recommended. Due to a typical instance of Apple asshattery, Java 7 is not optimal on Mac platforms.
Mac updated to Java 7. But in doing so, mac updated Java in a way that is not friends with MC and mods. Using Java 6 just avoids the problem entirely :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
True, what I'm saying though is that other platforms should update to Java 7, as Forge and the mods are compiled in Java 7, and having Java 6 will give random, unexplainable errors, even on a Mac.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So your suggested solutions are don't have the computer you currently have. Wow. Great help. I agree that gaming on a Mac is pretty dumb, however when given the choice to choose between a Dell laptop and a MacBook I'll pay the extra for MacBook any day. We all have our opinions and it doesn't matter if you disagree with me. However, I will agree PC's are better for gaming.

For those who don't wish to follow the advice of "get rid of your mac so Minecraft will work" here is the page that tells you how to revert back to Java 6:

Also remember to uninstall Java 7 by following the steps here:

That got my Minecraft into working order. You'll still get some crashes but as I've said gaming on Macs isn't idea.

Honestly, for everybody claiming to offer tech support, we know we don't have PC's. We picked up on it when there was a big Apple logo on bootup. We obviously are choosing to game on a Mac so if you can't help, don't reply.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
rage type words
We're trying to help. Behind the scenes, there's a few of us trying to figure out what's causing your problem. Yes, yours. The one from this thread here:
The help most of us provide is for the general population. The ones not getting tick errors.
You'll see that the above provided help has already told the OP to downgrade and use Java 6. We even discussed why. We then went on to joke a tad.
I'm sorry we couldn't help you, but there's no need to get all ragey on other threads about it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is the thought I want to convey:
We understand that being on a Mac means we are in a minority that is hard to program for.
We understand that gaming on a Mac is not ideal and PC's are recommended for gaming.
We have been told both of these many times and it becomes rather tiresome having it poked at again and again.
I have provided direct links to the tutorials from Apple and Oracle for the solution to getting back to Java 6 (links that I found quite helpful).

I appreciate you guys are putting in effort to help people who make your job more difficult. Sorry if got a bit ragey, I guess I got frustrated with the same comment being made to many people in many places over and over.

tl;dr: You guys are working hard and we appreciate it, but please don't tell us that not using Macs is a solution (even in jest). We are obviously frustrated at the moment from constant crashes. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to resolving the issues people have with the mod pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I am teaching myself Java. Before playing Technic, I wouldn't have known any troubleshooting processes at all. On their forums, I learned what worked, and what was common.I managed to get a group of people together with (most of the time) some intelligence about them to help me, help others.
Here, during beta testing, I was able to find a few things exclusive to FTB that are issues. I have done what I can to relay information I gather to others who are in need of it.
I am constantly asking people to provide more information, to post a log, and to just use plain English. No matter how "dumbed down" I make troubleshooting, trust me, someone needing a "dumber" version will come along. If you don't have basic knowledge of your computer, then most of us can't help you. We are unpaid, and entirely voluntary. I just like helping people. And I like being thanked for it.
My job is to wake up every day, and try to find a job. During that wonderful waiting period: I am online, helping others who need it. I am on teamspeak, waiting for someone to ask for help. I am learning how to provide better help. Not because I have to, not because it's my job, but because I like helping people.
That is the most honest response I can provide for you.
Please in the future, try not to rage. I like (quite a lot) that these forums are a friendly, non-hostile environment. (mostly)
And I'm sure the appointed staff members would appreciate it as well.
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