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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. J

    Whitelist Server [FTB Ultimate][No Lag][24/7][Active Admins][Whitelist]

    Ingame Name: joostmakaay Age:17 Have you played FTB before? Yes, but not that much. I know the basics.
  2. J

    Whitelist Server VisCraft Reloaded [Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Mature][Essentials]

    Ingame Name: joostmakaay Age: 17 (nearly 18) Mod Experience: Not that experienced, played Tekkit before tough. About Yourself: Likes football and playing games, How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes, joostmakaay it is Have you been banned before...
  3. J

    Whitelist Server [1.4.7 Ultimate 1.0.1][Mature Players][Whitelist][15 slot for now]

    In Game Name: joostmakaay Age: 17 Country: The Netherlands Why should we let you into this server? I'd like to contribute in projects and buildings, and i won't bother u guys with annoying questions. What you are looking for in a MC.Server? Uptime, legit stuff and mature people. Gaming...
  4. J

    Whitelist Server CrystalCraft [Ultimate] [Current FTB Launcher] [Whitelist] [18+] [13 Slots]

    In Game Name: joostmakaay Age: 17 (18 in 2 days) Do you have Raidcall: Yes, but i'm not very experienced using it. My microphone isn't that high quality either. Would you be willing to get it: Already got it so no. :) Experience with FTB(or similar mods): Not much, i know the basics. Reason that...
  5. J

    Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

    In game name:Joostmakaay Age:17 Country:Netherlands How active are you:2-3 hours a day Got a microphone:Yes, in my laptop (not superb quality) Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were):Nope, Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one (Will be mumble):Maybe...