Search results

  1. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    The Thread is now on the Minecraft Foumes go there to apply
  2. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Hello Players. Collan hear, The server is back and better than ever! We now have enough ram to support all your Minecraft needs! And aplcations will be up on the 10th not the 20th Thats all.
  3. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Not alowed to give it to you on the fourms Read the rules, But talk to me on skype
  4. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    I am going to need 40$ a mouth so if all player just Took 5$ out of the wallet we could all have a Better FTB experience. (The server is not or will never be Pay to play. But it will all go to the sever and help it run better)For more info Contact me on skype at Collan.redwood
  5. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Someone is useing chunk loaders. I cant find them. And one player had 14 (He is now ban.) I said sorry You can cry about it or keep playing. Up to you. The old map will be back when i get more ram. And PS its back up.
  6. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Ok we are having server problems... I need to make a new map. i will keep this one Backed up In-case someone donates and i can get more ram. Sorry Dudes. (PS no longer accepting until i can get more ram sorry.)
  7. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Accepted: Welcome toBlue-tech! AndrewZ1 flatbutter Killerking10 Henrik478 samm45usa DubbelFriz hemotem 0n1yCB 0n1yCG Kortmannetje flatbutter Skippy_X xFlameburst Dezorg
  8. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Done Sorry one of my mods have been Doing the listing :p
  9. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    CrAzDWolfAccepted: Welcome toBlue-tech! CrAzDWolf Can i get your IGN one more time?
  10. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Accepted: Welcome toBlue-tech! ThatWhaleGuy, Regus_Thorn,_Lucid_Dreams_
  11. C

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Accepted: Welcome toBlue-tech! BinsoXO (we will be looking after you.) xboxjh DENIED! Captain_scorpio Reason: You lied [ ]