[Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Accepted: Welcome toBlue-tech!
I.G.N (In game name): Regus_Thorn
Age: 14
2 Paragraphs on why you should be admin:
I have been playing on your server for a while now and I feel that I can bring something back to the server by applying for admin.
I shall enforce the rules on griefers and people who just want to ruin every ones time by stealing, griefing and just generally causing a horrible time for everyone. I believe that when you join the server you are accepting the rules and agreeing to not break them.

I hate it when someone is being a dick and ruining every ones time on servers. I have been admin on other servers and understand the responsibility that comes with admin. I shall not abuse my powers and I won't ban without a good reason. I give people a chance to explain before I ban them. I am strict but I love to have fun as well. I understand that I can not be soft with rule breakers and I will not be soft but I will be fair and understanding for the victim of the griefing, stealing. I won't be a dick with my power and just ban for no reason whenever I ban I always will have a reason. I won't ban unless there is evidence of the crime in place.

a little about myself:

I am 14 and I have played minecraft for 3 years and have got admin on 4 servers. I have found minecraft boring though unless I am playing on servers and even feed the beast got boring. I play Team fortress 2 and Garrys mod on steam. I like to have a good time with other people I love to have fun. I am a mature person and will not rage when someone calls me stupid things. So you will be getting a mature, responsible person. I love to play with other people and I don't like playing single player because there is no one there to talk with :) and to have fun! But I have found out on your server that minecraft is not as boring as I thought!

I hope you accept me!

I.G.N (In game name): Curty712
Age: 17
Reason you want to join: I would love to play with a fun mature community and explore FTB
Have you ever been banned on any other server: No
Mod application!
I.G.N - Instigator890
Why should you be a Mod? I should because I am loyal to the server, friendly and respectful to everyone around me, and I think an extra Mod on the server would provide enough supervision so the admin's don't constantly have to be watching the server for situations. When situations do arise i feel useless, and having someone around me that tends to have a lot of "doochebaggery" can't tick me off more than anything. If you accept me , I would have the power to show these people what's right and wrong. So, in conclusion having someone like me to be your slave and watch everyone's behavior would be a wise choice. lol. Although I can also bring help to others, while having a fun time with everyone around me!
Blue-Tech Server Application.
I.G.N (In game name): iiMittens
Age: 16
Reason you want to join: I want a chance to play with more people than just me and my friend. I've been playing FTB for quite a while, but want to hear other people's ideas.
Have you ever been banned on any other server: I have one MCBan for a server, but it was over a year ago when I didn't really understand the consequences of griefing. Over the time I realized griefing was an immature and pointless thing to do.
Blue-Tech Server Application. (Failing to list all the necessary information will cause your application to be denied.)
I.G.N (In game name): Ryuuzaki_L
Age: 22
Reason you want to join: I really want to attempt Mindcrank in a SMP setting. I am good at working with others and know my way around the mods in this pack.
Have you ever been banned on any other server: No
. Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
{We will read your application as soon as we can}
Blue-Tech Server Application. (Failing to list all the necessary information will cause your application to be denied.)
I.G.N (In game name): TheGrongron66
Age: 16
Reason you want to join: I like metting new people and helping people in community with builds and stuff. I got skills in building and I got experience with the feed the beast mods.
Have you ever been banned on any other server: No
. Reason (If you have been banned): N/A
I.G.N (In game name):Thekiller93
Reason you want to join:To play with other people and have fun.
Have you ever been banned on any other server:No.
Reason (If you have been banned):
I.G.N (In game name):whatsyaki
Reason you want to join:i wanted to play with my friends on a server as the server we were on a local server which was laggy
Have you ever been banned on any other server:No
I.G.N (In game name): nascar240
Age: 15
Reason you want to join: I love watching generikB, BdoubleO100, and Etho play ftb and I would love to join fellow mindcrack fans in a ftb server using the exact same mods as the mindcrack people!
Have you ever been banned on any other server: No sir :)
. Reason (If you have been banned):
I.G.N (In game name): Piglou1232
Age: 15-16
Reason you want to join: I am looking for a ftb server since a lot of time and i cant find one. My friend got accepted not long ago and told me that it was very cool your server. I speek very good english(Even if I am french, from Canada)So please, I would very much like to be part of your server.
Have you ever been banned on any other server: once
It was just a joke and he unbaned me right after​