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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server OkamiCraft|DW20 modpack| 20 tps Stable... >18, last reset(11/13/2014)

    Whitelist Application In-Game Name: Vircomore How old are you? 27 - M Where are you from (City, State or Country)? United States - PA What are you looking for in this server? Really love playing modded minecraft with other people and the new 1.7.10 mods look to be a lot of fun. How...
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    Nether changes... ridiculous!

    Another helpful hint for avoiding Pigman Aggro - although not as early-game as some of the other suggestions: 1. Start Thaumcraft 4. 2. Craft a nice wand, and charge it up off of some nodes. 3. Craft the Wand Focus of Equal Trade. 4. Shift-rightclick on cobble and bring a few stacks with you...
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    TTKami - Having Issues with Celestial Travel

    That was it Budge! My problem was that I thought the Celestial pearls (since they are crafted in pairs) behave like AE singularities and are automatically bound to each other upon creation. I shift-clicked my pearl on my gateway and it's all working now! Thanks everyone.
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    TTKami - Having Issues with Celestial Travel

    No dice. :( It's not vitally important, but went through a lot of effort to make something that isn't working.
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    TTKami - Having Issues with Celestial Travel

    Yea. I'm using the Ichor-capped Ichorcloth-wrapped Silverwood wand. 1000 of each Vis.
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    TTKami - Having Issues with Celestial Travel

    Hey All - trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. Created Celestial Gateway. Created Wand Focus - Celestial Recall. Created a matched pair of Celestial pearls. Took the pearls to an Anvil and gave them names. Put one of the pearls into the Gateway and made sure "accept incoming" was...
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    ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

    Thanks. I think I'll leave my RC room dormant for awhile and let it dissipate to make sure I'm not still doing anything wrong. Also, in the process of setting up this room, I think I've earned both Darwin awards. Got Pulse Jet Furnace running off a Gas Turbine only to promptly feed myself...
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    ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

    I haven't had a full-scale meltdown, but I have had a few minor disasters. Set up buildcraft pipes to remove waste from breeder and sort out Plutonium - sorter pipe wasn't covering all waste and some spilled onto the ground for a bit. Built a waste pool inside my reactor room (dumb i know) -...
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    ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

    Thanks. Two additional questions - About how long does atmospheric / soil radiation last? (Forgive me if this is in newer versions, but) could you put a page into the ReactorCraft book that details using concrete and steel? I built my breeder reactor on the second-hand reading that 3-deep...
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    ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

    I'm currently playing a "custom" Monster-based FTB pack and running into some serious issues with Reactorcraft. The Radiation Goggles have no recipe. I have radiation coming out of my Breeder reactor and no idea how to clean it up when I can't see it, and there's nothing in the guide to clean...
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    Has anyone figured out an optimal setup with Big Reactors yet?

    I've been playing with BigReactors extensively on my Monster server, so I'll give you my points: Liquid Ender is the top coolant, bar none. Making a reactor taller rather than wider is better. With liquid coolant, you only need source blocks along the top. So a 5x5x5 reactor needs the same...
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    BigReactors Coolant - Fill or Flow?

    I'll try that out to see if there's a difference. I have a 6-core reactor that currently has ender just along the top layer and it produces 1500 RF/t at full crank. I'll fill it up and see if it makes a difference. Most difficult part of filling a reactor with ender is if you slip and fall -...
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    BigReactors Coolant - Fill or Flow?

    Hey all, Quick question for anyone who knows the inner-workings of BigReactors since their wiki is not clear on this: When it comes to filling a reactor with some form of fluid coolant - does it make any difference if you "Fill" or "Flow"? Fill = every open spot in the reactor is a source...
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    1.6 Alternative to RC Boilers for 100MJ+ power ?

    I think he's referring more to the fact that you can't take a BC engine and connect it to TE conduits any more. Conduits now only accept power from RF sources/dynamos.
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    FTB and Forge - Curse Partnership.

    My biggest concern is the threat of Curse Premium. "Here's your modpack! Enjoy updating each mod individually. Oh, you want to update your whole pack automatically? That'll be 2.50$ a month." I'm all for supporting the developers, but I'd like to do that of my own volition - and if I have to...
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    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Modpack: DW20 1.6.4 v1.0.11 Mod & Version: MFFS_v3.6.0.303 with IndustrialCraft-2_2.0.316-experimental Pastebin link to crash log: N/A What's the bug? I am unable to connect the MFFS "Coercion Deriver" to any form of IC2 EU output. It works fine when connected to TE3 Redstone Conduits. I've...
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    I curse thee... Endermen! I can vouch for this system (built it over the ocean) and had 5 enderpearls in one night. All credit to Saice/Shoop for the idea. Try it out!
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    Ender Trap the super basic I need ender pearls but just started my world mob system

    Just wanted to post here and thank you for this thread. I set up a system pretty much exactly like what you've shown here and had my first 4 enderpearls in 1.2 nights. Converted them into an MFR Safari Net, captured another Enderman, and the rest is (through the magic of an MFR cow grinder /...
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    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    I can't look at the launcher, but are those the versions that appear in the pack lists? The pack lists are the "recommended" versions, so if you want to use a newer version, you need to change the dropdown that says "recommended" to (number you want). The pack list wont change but it will give...
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    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    Figure I should ask since I noticed it on the launcher this morning: Does this apply to DW20 (1.6.4) 1.0.9 as well? Or can we keep our worlds and update them to 1.0.9? Thanks.