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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. T

    How should a youtuber start an FTB series?

    Commentary is a skill like anything else. When you first start its very awkward you constantly have to think about what your saying and its a real struggle. Over months and months of doing it daily it gets easier and easier and before long simply becomes second nature.
  2. T

    How should a youtuber start an FTB series?

    Its a complicated question. Personally for my YT series I take a bit of time to plan what I'm going to do and then do an introductory episode where I explain my initial thoughts and plans while doing a bit of mining. I then usually skip ahead till I've aquired enough resources to start basic...
  3. T

    Forge compatible shared banlist( thread closed because of trolls) sign up for beta

    Saying you dont like a plugin is one thing. Spending 6 pages trolling, "mooning people" and other things is not dissent is being an ass and not constructive at all.
  4. T

    Forge compatible shared banlist( thread closed because of trolls) sign up for beta

    Any chance a mod can clean up the trolling in this thread so those of us who actually like the mod can discuss it instead of arguing silly semantics with trolls?
  5. T

    Forge compatible shared banlist( thread closed because of trolls) sign up for beta

    Great idea. I love global banlists you simply need to know how to use them. Im a YT'er so my servers get a ton of traffic and a lot of it is hostile folks simply trying to cause mayhem. A global banlist lets me check people and see what they have done previously and lets you know if they are a...
  6. T

    Private Packs: How Do I Make One?

    This whole thing just absolutely blows my mind. As someone who does YT basically for a living it just seems completely ass backwards to make people jump through so many hoops to enjoy the content you put your blood sweat and tears into. I make videos and I want as many people as possible seeing...
  7. T

    Did they get rid of teleport pipes?

    Find the correct version of additional pipes depending on the version your running (1.4.2 or 1.4.5) then add it to your mods directory locally and on your server. restart, check for errors and then your good to go. If you get errors you'll need to make sure your using the right version but...
  8. T

    Did they get rid of teleport pipes?

    You can just add the mod to the pack thats what we did on our server.
  9. T

    Come over from Tekkit

    Never did understand the anger and hatred between the two packs. After researching the events in tekkit that have led to the hate seems its just a silly thing to get all bent out of shape over. Both packs are awesome and have a lot of love thrown into them. They are also extremely similar. We...
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    Waiting on Redpower

    Waiting on Redpower
  11. T

    Mystcraft Help

    I found people prefer it to a server wipe hehe
  12. T

    Mystcraft Help

    You could delete their character profile from the server, will drop them back at spawn but will wipe their inventory.