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  1. D

    [Minecraft News] Minecraft to push minimum OpenGL Support to version 2.1

    Some shi.y on-board graphics. Simply i don't have GPU :(
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    [Minecraft News] Minecraft to push minimum OpenGL Support to version 2.1

    My old MSI laptop from early 2008 with on board graphics with 2 Gb of Ram and Windows XP don't work on newest snapshot - it starts and freezes. I know that i have old time classic PC which won't work on far/ normal distance rendering but right now i know that 1.7 won't even work for me. Must...
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    Max MJ power from MFR treefarm

    In 1.6.2 MFR version i connected MFSU with harvester and it drained max amount of EU. Also i connected Ender IO energy cell (250k MJ) and it drained even more. I think it's a bug because in 1.5.2 from redstone cell it didn't drain that fast. But i think that you can make 2 biggest farms and have...
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    Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

    Does anyone of you have this weird bug which does radiation damage when i'm using depleted uranium fuel cells - also i'm wearing full hazmat suit and still i'm getting radiation posion. Right now i'm using newest 2.0.207 version. I think that it's a bug because when i had version 178 i haven't...
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    Is Feed The Beast Falling Behind?

    Check out Tinker's Construct - it's one of the best new mods right there - only for 1.5, 1.6 MC. But i agree with you that vanilla changes aren't that useful for modded MC - but i like new changes to zombie "hordes" from 1.6 - they will follow you in a lot of blocks to hunt you down. Also...
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    Molten Emerald

    Obsidian can be melted into an ingot :0 Molten emerald is used for making end stone - which is needed for making soul shard - so very good usage especially if you are weak and don't have quantum gear :)
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    Start 1.5, or wait for 1.6?

    1.5 won't be compatible with 1.6 due to change with fluid control in forge so you will need to make new world in 1.6. In 1.6 from main mods aren't "on the market" Thermal Expansion - aqueous acumulator, redstone energy cell and tesseracts are needed like oxygen for breathing, Thaumcraft -...
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    Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

    Yeah it works like a charm. And to IC2 machines you simply insert export thing - export to ME interface - simple, elegant and if something can't be built in the wall you simply put a carpet on it :)
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    Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

    I like new machines ore washer and thermal centrifuge. By them you can make about 2.5 ingot per ore - but with the cost of energy usage. I like that thermal centrifuge which gives a small pile of other ore uses energy for heating up and then processing the purifired ore. Also i like a lot bigger...
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    Doing some research in the newest IC2_Exp build[138]

    MJ is better than EU production - i can agree that making MJ is harder than EU. When is new MC version IC2 has the same things. BC has changed a lot back when 1.3.2 was, the same with Forestry (new simple clock engine) Thermal Expansion always had new stuff every MC update. Only IC2 have the...
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    1.6.2 IC2 experimental version changes.

    Thx 4 the link. I will go there to check out all the features. Moderator please close this thread.
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    1.6.2 IC2 experimental version changes.

    If you haven't checked new IC2 version for 1.6.2 please do. A lot has changed as it was in 1.5.2 and earlier versions. First one - you don't use refined iron - instead you use plates (iron, tin, copper, gold, bronze) and item casings (used for batteries and other stuff) from forge hammer or...
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    First 1.7 vanilla MC snapshot - new biomes generation

    New MESA biome is containing clay - another easy way for finding this building material which in normal MC was a pain in the a.. - or you could make windy bee from magic bees :) Docm77 made a snapshot review. Check this out. I really enjoy new fishing technique - you can get a lot of stuff...
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    First 1.7 vanilla MC snapshot - new biomes generation

    Today Mojang added first snapshot for 1.7 version. New biomes, new flowers, 2 sugar canes colors, new enchantments on fishing rods, new fishes, melons spawns like pumpkins in groups, new spawn of terrain...
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    Thaumcraft 4 or morph mod 1.6.2 pack?

    Don't you worry about 1.6.2 packs - today Mojang released snapshot for 1.7 so when Thaumcraft 4, Thermal Expansion 3, new changed IC2 (for me it's IC2.5) will be released new vanilla version 1.7.x will be on the market so then we will be waiting for another mods update. And so on. Back to the...
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    Giant underground base?

    I think that only bees need clear sky view. Tree farm needs high for high trees, dirt and light - torches will do fine. But when you have imperial and industrial bees you can start making extra bees machines and get nocturnal, rainfall and cave serums which can be inserted into any bee - so...
  17. D

    How to fix the DW20 1.5 pack's world IDs

    I simply transfered my world from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 and "the only things" which dissapeared were export, buses, import buses, me cables, crafting cpu, containment wall, heat vent, crafting terminal. Simply almost all AE system dissapeared. Pattern disks were ok and interfaces with patterns inside...
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    What farms are the best?

    For what you want a farm ? When you want to farm a forestry tree products like nuts, cherries, plums, lemons you must use Forestry multifarm. When you want simply plant, seeds, vanilla trees, sugar cane, pumpkins you use MFR tree with fertilizer - which are extremely fast. I don't know when you...
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    Anyone Else Playing 1.6.2?

    I'm having a big troubles with BOP and some ID confilcts with IC2 and Binnie's mod and crashes with Advanced solars - i'm using compact solars instead. But the rest works fine - but i'm waiting for FTB pack with Thermal Expansion, new stuffs in Thaumcraft 3 and the rest of main mods from...