First 1.7 vanilla MC snapshot - new biomes generation

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I was despairing that nobody was going to mention this and I would have to go make a thread about it, because for modding this is huge news. This is good news and bad news, of course. I'll let people think long and hard on why. =)

Well the good part is obviously.. the bad part..

1) switching between mod packs is impossible if they don't have a mechanism for saying id 20195 WAS this in the old mod pack so I'll keep it as that IF it exists in the new mod pack..
2) probably makes life harder for Forge/mod authors who need to know specific items?
3) makes admining a server a bigger pain as the ids you use (and are use to using) could change when you go from DW 1.4.7 to DW 1.5.2

I'm sure I missed others...
Well the good part is obviously.. the bad part..

1) switching between mod packs is impossible if they don't have a mechanism for saying id 20195 WAS this in the old mod pack so I'll keep it as that IF it exists in the new mod pack..
2) probably makes life harder for Forge/mod authors who need to know specific items?
3) makes admining a server a bigger pain as the ids you use (and are use to using) could change when you go from DW 1.4.7 to DW 1.5.2

I'm sure I missed others...
The main one I am worrying about is the second one. If Mojang is smart in doing this, I'd say that they do dynamically allocate the ItemIDs (so that it is invisible to the modder), however still allow the modder to check that the "invisible item ID that I can not quantitatively determine" is the same as the item they are comparing it to.

Either that, or they will finally have a good isEqual() method for their ItemStack that checks the damage and the itemID. I haven't looked at the 1.7 code yet in fear of loosing my mind, but it shouldn't be TOO bad...
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I guess an easy community driven fix is to have a standard where everything gets a guid assigned to it and if you need thing X you guid compare?
I guess an easy community driven fix is to have a standard where everything gets a guid assigned to it and if you need thing X you guid compare?
Yes, but if Mojang is truly trying to make the game as modder-friendly as possible, there shouldn't need to be a community driven fix. That's the hope, at any rate.
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With the level of effort they've been talking about with Mod API, it appears to be one of the major steps to freely compatible mods, not to in the least what appears to be somewhat close collaboration with the larger modding community (crew like cpw specifically, I believe) in order to meet the needs of the vast diversity. They have to get as much right on the first try as reasonably possible because it'll be a lot harder to make deep changes once Mod API is out.

In my humble understanding, one of the recent updates was minimal to mods without much rendering but hellish on the other end. As such, with the wide variety of mods from tech to magic to things like Inventory Tweaks, we'll just have to see where the chips are falling this time around.
New MESA biome is containing clay - another easy way for finding this building material which in normal MC was a pain in the a.. - or you could make windy bee from magic bees :)

Docm77 made a snapshot review. Check this out.

I really enjoy new fishing technique - you can get a lot of stuff from it.

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New MESA biome is containing clay - another easy way for finding this building material which in normal MC was a pain in the a.. - or you could make windy bee from magic bees :)

Docm77 made a snapshot review. Check this out.

I really enjoy new fishing technique - you can get a lot of stuff from it.
BoP in 1.6.2 has the Badlands biome and it's full of clay blocks and stained clay blocks.

There's nothing that makes fishing interesting to me. Luckily there's a fishing mod available in 1.6.2 and MFR's fishing block when it updates.
I'm loving this one. it looks fantastic, with the generation changes, and especially the new biomes. I mean seriously, look at the ice spikes! Fishing i could have cared less about before, i personally like that they're giving it more of a purpose (blowfish, water-breathing, and renewable nametags :D).

Now, to address the 'complaints' people have about it. I've seen two main arguments here: mod-breaking code changes, and "bland, unimaginative, etc. additions"

I would love to point out that first off, this is a SNAPSHOT, a preview, NOT the final thing. Give them time, and give FEEDBACK. It is literally the very reason they do these snapshots, so the community (you) can voice what you think of their progress (so far).

Mod-breaking code changes are gonna happen, for two reasons:
1: vanilla is vanilla. They are developing the base game, THE base game for ALL the mods. Think about this. They are trying to make minecraft itself more interesting, not more in tune with mods. The base game is what brings people into the game, and then to the modding community eventually. If someone told their friend about this game, and only really said how the mods were great and about how much they added, that friend would be less likely to want to play minecraft. They'd probably be thinking "wow, the game itself must be a piece of shit". Mojang wants to make MINECRAFT as interesting as possible, cause that's what brings people to it, not the mods.
2: "The night is always darkest before the dawn". That is VERY applicable here. Mojang are working on making it...easier for modders. This means things must change, drastically. So, while making leaps and bounds in developing the base game, they will be improving for mods in chunks, cause that isn't -and shouldn't be- their main concern. If you think the one thing that should be their main concern is catering to modding, you are very wrong, and need to gain some perspective.

As for the "unoriginal" and "bland" content, it really just ties in with my above argument. If you think it is bland, ask yourself how? Compared to what, a mod? When you look at a vanilla changelog, you should consider doing what i do: forget about mods. Take the additions at face value to the base game, because that's what they are, additions to the base game. Honestly, the modding community is spoiled. They have all these awesome mods by all these skilled coders, they forget that vanilla exists and many, many, MANY people play it, more so than modded.

and one last thing: Why are you being so doom and gloom about the code changes? They've happened before, and yet here we are, with mods still going strong. Have you no faith in the ability of the modders?
The Good:
-New World Gen type. Holy crap that looks amazing.
-Ice Spikes biome. Proof that Mojang can still create something not in mods, plus it adds solid ice to vanilla.
-Water Breating potions? Yes please.

The Bad/Mediocre:
-Everything else (though with the biomes that's just my opinion and I know some people are going to love them)

I had hopes they would do some thing interesting with 1.6 as well, but that was a pretty lame update. At least this one hasn't gone and buffed anything to hell yet. Mojang needs to learn how to make updates WITHOUT completely wrecking mods, which isn't hard to do (I get that mods will always have this issue, but the ID change is looking like a small apocalypse).

Also, people needed to stop deluding themselves that Mojang is helping the modders.
performance its much better, and the new forest biome reminds me a lot of the twilight forest.

And what I like the most is this:

Mojang: added horses and flowers

Moding comunity response: MOJANG Y U NO DO THE API NAO???

Mojang: we have changed 60k lines and moving towards the API!


make up your flipping mind already, you wan the API or you don't want the API?
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Well considering the substantial changes required to implement an effective mod API where one does not exist, just how do you suggest they support modders? :confused: Currently, of course updates break mods a lot. It was never really designed with mods in mind so it makes sense it's an issue. After the Mod API is actually implemented in full, then mods should not be breaking each update. Think what would've happened with IC2 and secondary mods like GraviSuite, Compact Solars, even Gregtech if IC2 didn't have an API to hook into? An inaccurate example, but helps the picture a bit. The point is the end goal to fix the current problem. Heck, they had an entire panel devoted to Mod API at the last Minecon! :P

If code were easy, it'd be a minimum wage job. :o
New biomes :)
New options to tune the audio,I think it will make Let's Players life better
The water breathing is a useful thing which I needed in VMC to do underwater bases
AMPLIFIED world type,makes mountains go to 256y :)
I liked the new fishing stuff,maybe I will try it earlygame
I didn't notice any changes or a notice like this:"We are changing the code and Mod API will be done in 1.7/1.8
I'm not worried about 1.7
I could stay in 1.6 for a while even with this changes tbh
But this is the first snapshot,so let's see...
The real issue is that the mod API will be nigh-useless until it reaches the level of Forge. Which is to say basically never at Mojang's pace.

I don't even want the mod API anymore. 1.6 made it so that installing Forge is dead easy, and at that point there's nothing I really want anymore from that end.
Why would the mod packs be f*? do you think they only changed 2 lines of code between 1.4.7 to 1.5.2 and 1.6? Remember Mojang supports the modding communityand give preleases to the forge team to get there mod updated and therefor the modders can then update there packs. So saying mods are screwed just because a large amount of lines of code has changes is not correct.
Have you ever written a mod?
fishing seriously? though I like melon generation.

2 years behind schedule on mod API... going on 3.
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fishing seriously? though I like melon generation.

2 years behind schedule on mod API... going on 3.

did they really promised the api back in 1.7.3?

and changing the 60k lines of code its moving towards the API, just like in 1.8 it was easier for mods to enlarge the world height, 1.3 was easier to make mods, etc.
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they said they were going to start in even before 1.7.3, like around 1.4 or something. They were promising to have it out in 1.0. I doubt they will get anywhere close to careing about it even by this time next year.
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