How to fix the DW20 1.5 pack's world IDs

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone. This being my first new thread on this forum, I expect that it's probably in the wrong section. lol

So there's a bit of a problem with the Dierwolf20 1.5 Modpack eh? Well here's how to fix it without waiting for the FTB team's solution. I have to say, this problem didn't affect me, since, y'know, Unleashed for the win.

First you'll need to get yourself mIDas Gold, here: Google Code page (Download the mIDasGoldv0.2.5.rar, and extract it.)

Next you have an option. You can use a patch file that I've posted below, or try to create your own using gamefreak955's wonderful mIDas Patch Maker. You can follow his instructions on that thread and create your own patch file. (EDIT: This doesn't seem to work out-of-the-box for the DW20 pack) There's also instructions there that almost make the rest of this thread unnecessary. I said almost.

Here are patch files created by SuperLuigi10 and jmarler that you can feed into mIDas Gold to convert your regions.

SuperLuigi10's 1.1.1 with BoP -> 1.1.3 patch file
jmarler's 1.1.2 without BoP -> 1.1.3 patch file

Either way, you will want to create a backup of your save. (I always work with copies when messing with worlds)

Next you'll launch the mIDas Gold jar, browse to and select the patch file via "load patch file", and browse to and select the world folder you want to convert via "Add savegame".

Click convert, and all the IDs in the region files, player inventories, and any chests or ME networks will get updated. However, this doesn't touch other dimension's block IDs. Which is a shame, and you'd be out of luck if you didn't have gamefreak955's and my ingenuity. (probably)

To convert other dimensions' IDs, (not just the overworld) go back into mIDas gold, and (under "savegame" again) instead of selecting your main world folder, browse to an other dimensions' folder (for example, DIM-1, DIM1, DIM20, and any other dimension folders you have with region folders inside,) and re-run the conversion process.

Repeat the conversion process for all of your DIM folders and DIM_MYST folders.

(If there is no region folder inside a dimension folder, you needn't convert it. In fact, you can't. For example if you haven't been to the Nether/End/Promised Land/Twilight Forest yet.)

In theory, you should be done. But there are usually problems that crop up when you try to load the newly converted world. Wrath lamps have been known to cause problems.
A lot of times I personally get BuildCraft liquid rendering crashes. I found out the easiest way to avoid this is go back to the backup save and break+put any and all the problem blocks in chests

Break a leg.
Although I don't have a use for it, big thanks for setting it up. I don't know why this isn't filled with posts yet.
Although I don't have a use for it, big thanks for setting it up. I don't know why this isn't filled with posts yet.

Most likely because it's on page 3 already. lol

My hope and dream is to get stickied as a solution for the world ID problems. lol
Just wondering, what are the consequences of having BoP installed on a 1.1.2 world using your patch file? I'll be making backups no matter what, just wanted to check.
Just wondering, what are the consequences of having BoP installed on a 1.1.2 world using your patch file? I'll be making backups no matter what, just wanted to check.

I'm not sure, as having BoP working on 1.1.2 would require changing IDs. And changed IDs means that my patch file wouldn't work.

It would probably work fine if you create your own patch file.

Just create an NEI dump of your current instance, (including all unused IDs) and create a dump of the new 1.1.3 instance. (or use the one I used) Label them Old NEI.txt and New NEI.txt respectively. Put them in the same folder as the mIDas patch maker and run it. Then continue with the rest of the process.

If you give me your Old NEI dump, I can make a patch file for you.
This is awesome! I'm about to run this process on the map for my 1.1.2 server (w/o BoP) and will report back the results.
This is awesome! I'm about to run this process on the map for my 1.1.2 server (w/o BoP) and will report back the results.

Thanks! I'm glad this is actually being used. I'd hate for people to restart their worlds just because of an ID derp.

As stated by the FTB team, 1.1.3 worlds should be compatible with 1.1.4. There are just a few ID renames; don't worry about them.
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First attempt, using your patch file, did not go so well. When I started up the world in single-player, it did let me login, with the expected missing IDs screen. My Applied Energistics system was missing entirely. The wrath lamps looked like glass. It then crashed and kicked me out. Pastebin at: I was working with a copy of the map, so no worries. I'll start over and try again with tomorrow morning's backup file.

I did download the mIDas Patch Maker and am going to try making my own patch using the method described and see if the patch file I come up with is different from the patch file you came up with. Took a little while to update the entire 1.3GB map, including all of the Mystcraft ages, but not so long to be unusable.

It is a bit late here tonight, so I may have to try applying the patch again tomorrow. I really want to see if I can get this sorted though, as I'd rather not have to start everyone over ... again ...
First attempt, using your patch file, did not go so well. When I started up the world in single-player, it did let me login, with the expected missing IDs screen. My Applied Energistics system was missing entirely. The wrath lamps looked like glass. It then crashed and kicked me out. Pastebin at: I was working with a copy of the map, so no worries. I'll start over and try again with tomorrow morning's backup file.

I did download the mIDas Patch Maker and am going to try making my own patch using the method described and see if the patch file I come up with is different from the patch file you came up with. Took a little while to update the entire 1.3GB map, including all of the Mystcraft ages, but not so long to be unusable.

It is a bit late here tonight, so I may have to try applying the patch again tomorrow. I really want to see if I can get this sorted though, as I'd rather not have to start everyone over ... again ...

Could you upload the ForgeModLoader-client-0.log/server-0.log I'm a bit better at looking through those. I don't know why AE went missing. There's definitely a problem with wrath lamps/wrath lamp air. Thanks for letting me know. I'll do some testing with those two things later today when I have some time.
Could you upload the ForgeModLoader-client-0.log/server-0.log I'm a bit better at looking through those. I don't know why AE went missing. There's definitely a problem with wrath lamps/wrath lamp air. Thanks for letting me know. I'll do some testing with those two things later today when I have some time.

You can download the log at

I am not having much luck generating a new patch file. The NEI dumps are VERY different in size. My 1.1.2 dump is here and the 1.1.3 dump is here. Still working on it ...
You can download the log at

I am not having much luck generating a new patch file. The NEI dumps are VERY different in size. My 1.1.2 dump is here and the 1.1.3 dump is here. Still working on it ...

The 1.1.2 dump only has IDs up to 4095, while the 1.1.3 dump has the full 31999 IDs. This means you only told NEI to dump block IDs, but not item IDs. This could be one of the things causing you problems. You have to change NEI's default dumping settings. It won't dump item IDs by default. Easy to miss, I know.

I still haven't had time to set up all the instances to test, (lots of homework and other assignments coming due) but I'll get around to it just as soon as I have a few free hours.
You have to change NEI's default dumping settings. It won't dump item IDs by default. Easy to miss, I know.

Thanks for the tip! I figured I was missing something ... I'll make sure to fix that setting and run it again. In the meanwhile, I have been doing a by-hand audit of the 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 patch file you posted. Here is version 1 of my own edits. For some reason, a bunch of stuff from PluginsForForestry was missed, or I am mis-reading the config files. I also sorted out why my ME multi-block system disappeared and fixed that. I'll re-dump my NEI IDs and see what other edits I can come up with.

I am considering adding "1001 -> 0" to clear out all of the "lightair" blocks from the factorization wrath lamps. If my understanding of how the lamps work is correct, the blocks will be quickly replaced with zero ill effects. This may fix the crash. I found a crash dump you can check out here as well.
Hiya, thanks for the tool and guide!

As said before, most of my ME system is gone. Besides that are my Barley plants turned into '[Invalid Block] 2671:3'
Luckely my ME drive and the disks in it are intact!
Ow and my Silent Shrouded Obsidian pressure plate was turned into a red mushroom :rolleyes:

I tried making my own NEI ID file, but is turned out exacly the same as your's.

Ah well, I didn't start that long ago. After I replaced above within 15 minutes everything is back to normal. I think... :cool:


P.S. The NEI config to dump all ID's is in the config file: <FTB install folder>\Direwolf20_1_5\minecraft\config\NEI.cfg
In here set itemIDs to true and unused_itemIDs to true.

Almost forgot, in my Mystcraft age all my pipes where invisible. (Stone, Cobblestone, Diamond and Forrestry's Insertion pipes)
I simply transfered my world from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 and "the only things" which dissapeared were export, buses, import buses, me cables, crafting cpu, containment wall, heat vent, crafting terminal. Simply almost all AE system dissapeared. Pattern disks were ok and interfaces with patterns inside. All the rest were ok - i had a lot of blocks from different mods (railcraft, mfr, vanilla). I didn't have BoP and i didn't start Thaumcraft research. The big minus was that i had to connect everything with AE - i had 20 alvearies connected to system, forestry bee machines also. So it took about 1 hour to finally get everything ok like it was in 1.1.2. The other things which were missing were ender chest and ender tank - id changes made ender tank into grass from BoP - i had only 2 of each so no problem. I had 1 tree farm from Forestry and the other with orchard (chestnut trees). So in a little troubles i "evolved" from 1.1.2 to newest DW20 with main ID's :)
I simply transfered my world from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 and "the only things" which dissapeared were export, buses, import buses, me cables, crafting cpu, containment wall, heat vent, crafting terminal. Simply almost all AE system dissapeared. Pattern disks were ok and interfaces with patterns inside. All the rest were ok - i had a lot of blocks from different mods (railcraft, mfr, vanilla). I didn't have BoP and i didn't start Thaumcraft research. The big minus was that i had to connect everything with AE - i had 20 alvearies connected to system, forestry bee machines also. So it took about 1 hour to finally get everything ok like it was in 1.1.2. The other things which were missing were ender chest and ender tank - id changes made ender tank into grass from BoP - i had only 2 of each so no problem. I had 1 tree farm from Forestry and the other with orchard (chestnut trees). So in a little troubles i "evolved" from 1.1.2 to newest DW20 with main ID's :)

I'm hoping I can get the vast majority of these issues sorted out. I'm an admin on a Direwolf20 FTB server that's public, but whitelisted. I just reset the map for 1.5 and switched from Mindcrack, so the players that I have on there have been active and are fairly established. I'd hate to have to reset everything yet again ... I think my latest incantation will get most of it sorted with a few stragglers. I went in and removed my wrath lamps and put them in a chest on their own just-in-case I have to MCedit them out. In the end, it doesn't look like it was a whole lot that changed, but enough to make it annoying. It seems that mIDas patch maker gets tripped up by blocks that show "tile.null" in the NEI dumps, so I've been going through all the configs and NEI dumps manually to sort it all out.

I'm going to make another pass at updating this afternoon, and I'll post an update afterwards.
I got it! You can view my patch file at or I will also include it below. It's actually not as much as I thought it would be.

The applied energistics system, wrath lamps, build craft pipes, and Tinker's construct items all work perfectly. I was unable to find anything that was broken after the conversion and move to 1.1.3. If 1.1.4 can use the same world, this should be good to go. I haven't converted all of my mystcraft worlds, but I don't care much about them. I can let those regen, no worries.

This conversion file works for converting Direwolf20 1.1.2 worlds to Direwolf20 1.1.3 without Biomes O Plenty using mIDas Gold 0.2.5.

252 -> 170
253 -> 169
254 -> 252
901 -> 911
902 -> 912
903 -> 913
1376 -> 1419
1381 -> 1420
1475 -> 1575
4088 -> 902
4089 -> 903
4090 -> 901
4091 -> 1475
4092 -> 2192
4093 -> 4091
4094 -> 2148
4095 -> 2149
4345 -> 4100
4348 -> 4103
4346 -> 4101
4349 -> 4104
4352 -> 4151
4347 -> 4102
4350 -> 31740
4351 -> 4150
4446 -> 4445
4445 -> 31742
4600 -> 4408
4601 -> 4356
4602 -> 4357
4603 -> 4358
4604 -> 4359
4605 -> 4360
4606 -> 31996
4607 -> 4406
4608 -> 4407
4700 -> 7763
26711 -> 31999
26713 -> 26711
31977 -> 21996
31978 -> 21997
31979 -> 14310
31997 -> 22997
31998 -> 22998
31999 -> 22999
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I got it! You can view my patch file at or I will also include it below.

Dude you rock. Works perfectly! (for my simple two week old world with two friends + digger age)

The combination of the last conversion file with the program and guide from the first post works great!!

Thanks both DerelleBot and jmarler for making the transition painless!
Any way that you guys could make a patch file to move 1.1.1 w/BoP worlds to 1.1.3? If you could I would be eternally grateful :)! I have been unsuccessful so far.
I'm glad you both got it all worked out! There are always a few problems when converting worlds. I've never had a flawless first-try conversion. There are other ways around these problems, but I usually just end up putting stuff in chests before the conversion.

Any way that you guys could make a patch file to move 1.1.1 w/BoP worlds to 1.1.3? If you could I would be eternally grateful :)! I have been unsuccessful so far.

Try the "Patch file for 1.1.1 to 1.1.3" from the first post. Remember to also convert any other dimensions you wish to keep. Let me know how it goes. Make sure to keep a backup! From the looks of jmarler's and triblades' problems, I may possibly have overlooked something I shouldn't have.

@triblade: You can also change what gets dumped from NEI's in-game settings screen. And dump it from there as well.
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So this awesome patch can resolve any missing / different id problem on any mod pack right?

Just making sure. Because i always had the problem on my ssp after updating and it is stressing solving it manually