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  1. L

    Forum Game: The Food Game

  2. L

    Forum Game: The Food Game

    Minestrone soup
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    Forum Game: The Food Game

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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted. But people realize that you've skipped a few days and change the date accordingly back to April 11. I wish I had more bacon to eat.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, your parents give you a toy mansion for your birthday. I wish for an awesome pet dog :D
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I should have specified, this person in question got the fusion reactor before a matterfab or grav suit, and they did not have any bees.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Question: is it possible to get a fusion reactor, full gravitation suit, matterfab, and many many machines in 3 days in Mindcrack 8.1.1 without mining more than 1 sheldonite ore from the end? Without using dupe bugs
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, but it has to run a special version of linux, incompatible with all games. I wish I wasn't so tired :3
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, they now know everything there is to know about computers. But they disassembled your computer and refuse to ever own another one from extreme paranoia. I wish my family wasn't so lazy.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    It's only when my legs are crossed that it falls asleep... Granted, the Simpsons ended, but a new one comes on right after it, and it goes into infinite re-run mode for the next 2 weeks. I wish I didn't have any difficulty waking up early.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, Gandhi returns as a zombie to eat your brains, then he leaves again. I wish my foot never fell asleep when I was sitting at my computer.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, but the recipes requiring iridium now require 10,000,000 iridium each. I wish that I could find a good server to play on that wasn't filled with griefers and little kids.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted. Your favorite way to wish involves throwing all your coins into a well. You soon have no money for food or your house. I wish it would stop snowing outside.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I meant inefficient, as when making a wheat farm, the water is placed every other 2 blocks, instead of maximizing the space you can get for hydration of farmland.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Warded glass is made through thaumcraft, you have to research the recipe in your thauminomicon. Q. Why are the new Forestry multifarms so inefficient? Is it intended to be an expensive, huge, pain?
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    Forum Game - Word Association

    Steak. (I was hungry)
  17. L

    I can't do this anymore.

    Just to be clear here, there IS a way to get bees without any breeding whatsoever. Yes, it is completely cheating. Forestry adds commands to the game, if i remember correctly they are /giveprincess /givequeen and /givedrone. Now you need to know what the name of the bee you want is though. Usage...
  18. L

    Anyone Else having issue with NEI?

    Are you playing on a server where you are not "op" or have permission to use the commands? As soon as you don't have permission, the commands go away it seems.
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    Native gold/iron clusters?

    The pickaxe of the core is a rare drop in dungeon and other random loot chests though, so after a while of exploring you can start off with double ores before making any machines.
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    Taking on a Large Hollow Hill

    Personally, I wrote a short turtle program to run, each turtle I have takes out a chunk of the ore/stone columns. And I can run as many turtles as I need. Running around the outside with a ranged weapon and a few stacks of torches is a must.