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  1. N

    [DW20] server empty, items falling from a pipe (quary)

    this is supposed to happen. The way servers work is that they unload areas where noone is to save resources. This way they can use those resources again on an other spot on the world
  2. N

    Problem servercraft when updating to mindcrackV7

    No worries, happend to most of us ;) If you scroll further down you can even see the names of the mods that are being loaded twice. BinnieCore [Binnie Core] ExtraBees [Extra Bees] ExtrabiomesXL [ExtrabiomesXL] Forestry [Forestry for Minecraft] GregTech_Addon [GregTech-Addon] IronChest...
  3. N

    Problem servercraft when updating to mindcrackV7

    cpw.mods.fml.common.DuplicateModsFoundException did you delete the old mods before updating? if not delete the old versions of any mod thats been updated
  4. N

    [DW20] server empty, items falling from a pipe (quary)

    it should yes, if you fuel the worldanchor (needs ender pearls)
  5. N

    How Should I Build My House?

    did you check this topic? ;)
  6. N

    [DW20] server empty, items falling from a pipe (quary)

    1) far away / other age = unloading of the chunks. You can fix it by getting the pipes inside the quarry chunk or get a chunkloader like the world anchor(railcraft).
  7. N

    Can't Allocate More Memory

    1gb max in launcher = 32bit java installed get 64bit java 7 from
  8. N

    [DW20] server empty, items falling from a pipe (quary)

    can have several issues why it's happening: (presuming it works right if someone is on the server) 1) the pipes aren't running through the chunk thats being loaded by the quarry (ea nobody on server = unload of the nonchunkloaded chunks) = stuff falls on the ground 2) chests are full / not in a...
  9. N

    How to Disable Rei's Minimap Showing Server I.P?

    There is nothing wrong, but why whould you allocated 2GB by default while the server when non is on only uses 512MB for example? it's 1.5GB that could be used for something else incase it's needed.
  10. N

    Back ups or auto saves?

    the only problem with MCMA atm is that it's doesn't support multiple worlds according to the author. Although seeing on the size of my backups it does take mystcraft worlds in the backup (they are located in the mainworld directory so it whould make sence).
  11. N

    Mac Java on Mac, not sure if it's browser based only

    This is going to be a hard time for MAC users i guess (if it's more then only the browser-plugins):
  12. N

    Item Renderer Button=INSTANT CRASH

    what's a button your not using? something like ` maybe? try to bind it to that
  13. N

    Friend crashing in mystcraft dimension

    couldn't have said it better myself ;)
  14. N

    Friend crashing in mystcraft dimension

    on the server in the worldmap/saves should be a file called <insertplayername>.dat There is an otherway but it can ruin more if done wrong. There are external programs MCedit / NBT edit that alow moving of the players. Only if done bad you can end up corrupting you world and have to start from...
  15. N

    Item Renderer Button=INSTANT CRASH

    i presume that all keybinding are saved in your minecraftfolder somewhere. Only can't check atm where since i'm at work.
  16. N

    Friend crashing in mystcraft dimension

    delete his .dat player file. He WILL lose all his stuff from his inventory but he will come back on the serverspawn.
  17. N

    Server Crashes When I Enter A Mystcraft Age

    no need to avoid it, just create a new age now you have nothing in your inventory. You will see it will work. It's just some ages that become instanly corrupt when created
  18. N

    FPS loss

    i refer more to you dualcore CPU and prob the ram modules. Having 6gb ram doesn't mean anything if it's slow ram. not sure how the graphicscard preforms in other games? if it's decent then you prob don't have to change it. If it's crap then yes you need to change it aswell.
  19. N

    Server Crashes When I Enter A Mystcraft Age

    delete <yourname>.dat file in your world folder, afterwards you should spawn on the normal world spawn only you will lose your whole inventory. or use an external program to change it (whouldn't recommend it if you don't know how).
  20. N

    Server Crashes When I Enter A Mystcraft Age

    Is it only this age that crashes it or with all newly created onces? It often happens dat ages are instable and crashes the server or client.