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  1. A

    Best kind of armor

    I honestly think that'd be a little (as much as I hate the word) overpowered for mid-game. The choice between flight, protection, and tool longevity is an important one to make based on what you're doing in mid-game strategy. You have a good option for any of the three, but being able to combine...
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    Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

    What about this idea: I know for myself, personally, that something like this would just make Minecraft an all around better game. Some people miss the Floating Islands, I just miss logical biome distribution. Since EBXL already has humidity/temperature settings for beekeeping, how hard would...
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    Industrial TNT?

    If you like torching a whole chunk up to avoid the mob cap in order for decent yield, then yes. The absolute easiest and most renewable source is a T5 Creeper spawner drop trap, but that takes a lot of time hunting creepers. Centrifuging and Electrolyzing isn't really that complicated, anyway...
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    Industrial TNT?

    Unless they've changed it in the newer versions, GregTech offers another way to get Gunpowder. 3 GP can be crafted using one Coal Dust, one Sulfur (either the Xycraft one, the Forestry one, or the IC2 one, although since the XC one is only obtainable by smelting gunpowder, it's a moot point :p)...
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    Best kind of armor

    That's because of the jetpack. It has no armor value. You're effectively walking around in Iron armor, plus flight and greatly reduced fall damage. Most of the protection of the tech armors are built in to the chest-pieces. The Nano Chest is worth 35% armor value, and the Q Chest is worth 45%...
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    Best kind of armor

    That's not how nano works. You can wear part of a nano suit, and it works fine, for what armor rating you get from what's left, like when wearing Vanilla armor. It's just a really high protection armor, that can be recharged. Nano has no "techno-magical" protections like Quantum, excepting it...
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    Creation and invention ideas

    Sarcasm and dry wit are by and large highly undervalued in the US. That's one of the things I enjoy about you folks from across the Pond.
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    Terraformer Information Needed

    The FTB wiki needs information about the IndustrialCraft 2 Terraformer. I know some of you intrepid FTB'ers have figured out all the ins and outs of this machine. Currently, there's not a lot of information on this device available period, and what information is available, like on the IC2 wiki...
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    Some questions about mindcrack

    Basically. You might want to manually put one item in each Barrel, so you actually know where stuff will end up, but yeah. The RP Tubes are inventory aware, and they detect the Barrels as inventories, so they'll automatically put stuff in them. RP tubes look for the closest valid inventory; if a...
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    Some questions about mindcrack

    It could easily be hooked into another sorting system, though. Just swap those iron(silver?) chests with an Ender Chest, and put a matching one at your base. As an aside, my currently recommended base sorting system is set up using Factorization Barrels and Redpower Tubes. run the tubes across...
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    Assistance with an Automated Boiler.

    Interesting info. I couldn't find much out about the practical differences between them, and didn't think to test in creative mode. Oh well, I already have the 12 HP built, and around 95% of the infrastructure needed to fuel it constantly by now. :P Next build I'll keep this stuff in mind though. :)
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    Assistance with an Automated Boiler.

    This looks like it'll work so far. Hmm. I might be able to cut out a timer that way. Always good to reduce lag. I am having an additional problem now, however. I have a Transposer hooked to the top of my Sawmill, and the Sawmill set with the Red side (output) on top. Nothing comes out of the...
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    Diamond rarity?

    I too have had this problem, as stated in the other thread. In a Temperate Rainforest, I honeycomb mined 9 chunks, from block 4 to 15, and found one solitary diamond. I chalked it up to statistical anomaly, until KirinDave mentioned the Temperate Rainforest issue in his world. I play on the...
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    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Down with this thing called fun. Up with the great "OP," for I must GRIND. After all. What's the point of a game if it doesn't have all the wonderful drag of real life?
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    Assistance with an Automated Boiler.

    On my world I play with my girlfriend, we have just built a HP 12 Steam Boiler for easy MJ. Up until now we have relied on IC2 power and machinery exclusively, but we want to branch out a little bit into Forestry, BC, and TE. After shoving a stack of coal in the Boiler, and being astounded by...
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    Diamond rarity?

    The thing is, from what I remember from MC source code, ore distribution is not completely random. It is, within a chunk. It is not, on large scale. I seem to remember that one and only one vein of diamond is guaranteed to spawn, per chunk, presumably to eliminate the statistical fringe...
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    direwolf20 modpack.. is auto brewing possible?

    A pipe/tube fed to the top of the stand will access the ingredient slot. A pipe/tube fed in the sides or bottom of the stand will access the bottle slots, feeding in first the left, then the center, then the right one. If all three slots are full, items will not go in. This could work with...
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    So you need Aluminum Ingots to make a casing to make a....

    There are many, many other ways added to acquire Iridium. Oversimplifying a mod's design choices to make them seem stupid for the sake of flamebaiting in a thread is generally not a good choice.
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    I'm Obviously Doing BC Power Wrong. How can I improve?

    Well that's probably how I don't know about it. I pretty exclusively use the vanilla creative inventory for cheating stuff in/playing creative. The NEI screen is just too cluttered for my tastes.
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    That's not even close to being correct. Without the mod loaded by Forge, the config will sit idle and untouched, no matter what it says in it. No other mod has any reason to load Greg's configs, or the code to interpret those configs, even if they were loaded.