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  1. B

    A large amount of butterflies is causing great lag. Anyway to remove/kill them? Please help

    Hello there. I have an issue with an excessive amount of butterflies, which are causing lag. (Singleplayer) (look at the minimap) I had been working on a project in minecraft far away from my base and when I came back I found these butterflies (close to my...
  2. B

    Help please with the rednet controller? (redstone signal intervals interpretation)

    Hello there. I've made a contraption in my minecraft world (what it is is irrelevant) and I am stuck with getting the PRC interpret a signal based on the time between 2 redstone pulses. Basically what I am looking for is to have the PRC output a signal when 2 redstone pulses are within X...
  3. B

    Help with programmable rednet controller please?

    Thank you for your answer, I think I´ll try that. Funny thing, the cart is invincible to the pellet launcher, but in my opinion it doesn´t look nice,
  4. B

    FTB 1.5.2 start up crash. What's the source?

    For anyone interested in the issue: I managed to solve it by installing 1.5.2 ngt on my other pc (which had never had that specific pack) and it worked on that pc. Then I copied only a few things from my save from my pc that has the crash (enough data to keep me going, so not everything) and...
  5. B

    FTB 1.5.2 start up crash. What's the source?

    Hello there I have been using the FTB 1.5.2 (ngt) for a while now. I started it today and suddenly I get this crash report (see attachment). I have tried starting it again, and I have also rebooted my pc (didn't work). Can anyone tell me what the source of the problem is? I am frankly not...
  6. B

    Help with programmable rednet controller please?

    Hello there. I wanted to try out a different form of mob farm (not the mfr grinder) but I got stuck on the redstone programming. I am not really into computercraft computers but the programmable rednet controller seemed like a nice thing. Here is what I have: