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  1. R

    Problem Quarries and GreifPrevention

    Check out the section Mods.PlayersIgnoringAllClaims in your griefprevention config. See if Buildcraft is listed. If so delete it. That will disable it by default. Then each player will have to enable it on their claim.
  2. R

    Solved Banning/Restricting Items

    I'm guessing you are using mcpc+, if so check out tekkit customizer. It works with FTb also, you just have to edit all the IDs
  3. R

    Problem Server lag/freezing on Chuck Load & Generation

    Have you tested it without dynmap?
  4. R

    Problem Id mismatches

    Look in the config file for each mod. You will find the IDs it uses. You can then change them to whatever you want. But each client that connects will also have to make that config change. Im guessing you added some mods that arent in the modpack.
  5. R

    Problem ComputerCraft crash?

    The reason I asked is because I also have Direwolf20 server. I tested it MCPC+ with it and kept getting the same error along with a few otehrs issues. I decided to just stop using MCPC+ and it went away. So the issues has something to do with that. Never did actually find the solution other...
  6. R

    Problem Id mismatches

    Did you try changing the IDs?
  7. R

    Problem ComputerCraft crash?

    Are you using mcpc+?
  8. R

    FTB Ulttimate crashing with mcpc+ and plugins.

    I'm not sure of the exact solution but they aren't the same errors. The first one refers to buildcraft the second one says you have a missing mod.
  9. R

    Forge Mods (server side only)

    Has anyone found a good economy or shop one? ForgeEssentials has an economy mod, but not sure if its fully developed yet. I just really hope more get developed soon. I'd love to see like a spleef and a mob arena type ones.
  10. R

    Trying to get an inactive server to become more active one but still not getting anywhere

    I'd look at a protection mod also. If you get a few ppl on. It's a bit of a hassle doing a restore that way.
  11. R

    Trying to get an inactive server to become more active one but still not getting anywhere

    Well, if you think you have a stable server, you need to advertise. Add it to the serverlists for voting, make some youtube videos, and make a real website. Try sites. Players are fickle by nature. They will join, goof around and leave. The ones that want no banned items are...
  12. R

    Trying to get an inactive server to become more active one but still not getting anywhere

    Well what do you have to offer that 500 other servers don't? That's something only you can figure out.
  13. R

    Gold Exploits?

    The way I am setting up mine is using Circuits & spawn eggs. Example 1 Chicken Spawn egg is your base (1) then 1 pig = 5 chicken, 1 cow = 5 pig, etc. They can then make circuits and buy 1 chicken. So that gets them building things and earning their currency. I have it set up in Trade O Mats.
  14. R

    Forge Mods (server side only)

    there is this list already, but it doesn't indicate if its server side only or not. That's why I wanted to start this list to see what ppl have been able to use.
  15. R

    Forge Mods (server side only)

    So im looking at compiling a list of mods you have got working. These would NOT be plugins and not using MCPC+. It would only be ones that work on the server only and that the clients don't need to install. ForgeEssentials-Permissions & commands MyTown-Chunk protection PEX (newer forge...
  16. R

    server batch file is not starting

    And what is your jar file named in the folder?
  17. R

    creeperhost questions

    I'm sure billing is automatic. Just give it time. I haven't had to wait more then a day to get things up and running with them.
  18. R

    Mindcrack to Direwolf Conversion?

    I'm sorry I guess you know everything I tried... When I tried it most of the IDs got changed and found it easier to do a full map wipe.
  19. R

    Direwolf20 Lag Crash

    use pastebin, post your crash log there and then link it here.
  20. R

    Mindcrack to Direwolf Conversion?

    The only way you could, is you would have to remap every block to what it is now.