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  1. C

    Whitelist Server CafeCrack (Mindcrack - Whitelist)

    You have been whitelisted. Welcome to CafeCrack!
  2. C

    Enabling ComputerCraft HTTP API

    This isn't intended as a necro, but it's a subject I can work off of with my question. One of my users is requesting me to enable the HTTP API, could anyone tell me what the risks involved with that would be? Anything that allows downloading from the internet sounds like a security risk to me.
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    Aluminum - Xycraft and GregTech

    Alright, so with the GregTech on the MindCrack Pack, Aluminum becomes a required material for what should be Tier 1 things such as water mills, however, the only way to get it early are from a 5% chance off a Pulverizer and Bauxite Ore, and that dust has to be put through a Blast Furnace in...
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    Whitelist Server CafeCrack (Mindcrack - Whitelist)

    Added to whitelist. Welcome to CafeCrack!
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    Whitelist Server CafeCrack (Mindcrack - Whitelist)

    Removed from Whitelist. Reason: No show. Added to whitelist. Welcome to CafeCrack!
  6. C

    Whitelist Server CafeCrack (Mindcrack - Whitelist)

    You three have been accepted. Welcome to CafeCrack!
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    Whitelist Server CafeCrack (Mindcrack - Whitelist)

    Good evening, and welcome to CafeCrack! This is a server I just started a couple days ago with another friend of mine, and I figure we could use some company. I have it being remotely hosted 24/7 with 2 GB of RAM. Hope to meet you soon! Rules No griefing No stealing...
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    Darkcraft|FTB [Mindcrack 1.4.6]|Whitelist

    No Project Table? So the RedPower mod is basically banned?
  9. C

    CheeseMonkey's MindCrack Server [1.4.6 MindCrack][White List]

    Ingame Name: ChaseNetwork Age: 20 Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) rapierone Why you want to join: a multiplayer zone to play ftb
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    monkeycraft|mindcrack|White list

    Did you restart the server after saving our names to the whitelist?
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    monkeycraft|mindcrack|White list

    Says I'm not whitelisted.
  12. C

    Private FTB Server || FeedTheCrafts

    age: 20 Minecraft IGN (in game name): ChaseNetwork country of residence: South Korea Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): Yes, Yes Are you alright with being pranked...
  13. C

    [1.4.6] FTB [Mindcrack Modpack] [8GB RAM][Small Youtube and Skype Server][15 Slots]

    Application: In-Game Name: ChaseNetwork Skype(Required): rapierone Age: 20 How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: 3 weeks.
  14. C

    Mod pack server

    Right, so I currently have a FTB Beta A pack in use, but want to switch to the 1.4.6 Mindcrack pack. How do I do this?
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    FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

    What was the solution the last time it happened?
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    FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

    In-Game Name: ChaseNetwork Age: 20 Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: Yes, I'm mostly familiar with the Industrial Craft 2 mod. What do you look for in a server?: fun and freedom to build Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes Do you accept that foul...
  17. C

    Trying to install the FTB plug-in on my server

    Good evening. My server host is MC Pro Hosting, and I've been trying to configure one of my two servers on there with the FTBBetaA_Server files. However, when I try to upload the .zip file as an archive to be unpacked, it doesn't have any results. I'm compltely new to editing a server, so I...
  18. C

    Obsidian World|FTB Pack A|Open(No whitelist)|Feed The Beast

    Please update your original post and topic to state that this is indeed a whitelist server. I just had a big fat "You are not white-lsited on this server'." Slap me in the face when I supplied your server ID.
  19. C

    Minecraft Noobs|1.4.2|Whitelist|

    Whitelist Application IGN: ChaseNetwork Age: 20 Why you would like to play on this server?: Somewhere to hang out and learn FTB with other people. Looking for fun. If you have ever been banned, and why?: Yes; I quit being an OP for the server due to stress; de-oped myself, but admin thought I...