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    1.0.0: Industrial craft recipes don't seem to work

    Gregtech overrides IC2 recipes, Some items arent craftable or have a gregtech substitute.
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    1.0.0: For the people that are having problems launching

    Version: 1.0.0 What is the bug: Hey Everyone, I noticed some people are having problems with Resurrection not launching. This is due to forge not installing properly, To fix this go into your FTB directory. If you don't know where your FTB directory is open the launcher click options and your...
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    Permissions Spreadsheet

    My mod is BetterThings anyone get use it if they like, Get it here!
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    mods.thermalexpansion.Furnace.removeRecipe(<minecraft:potion:0>); This is the code I used. It's disabled in the vanilla furnace but not TE
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    I can add recipes but not remove them. It's strange
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    I see where you're talking about but what am I supposed to be changing? I changed in Thermal Foundations config "furnace.allowrecipeoverwrite" to true still hasn't changed anything :(
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    Alright, I'll see if there is a new version out. Thanks :D
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    I don't know where to find the mods tab :( but it is 1.7.10!
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    Yeah hold on :)This is my only script
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    But, that is the right code right? I've reloaded the game plenty of times since I edited the recipe it just doesn't work for some strange reason all it says is "1 Modifications were stuck" thats all it says
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    No I need to remove the smelting recipe for a water bottle from the Thermal Expansion furnace. I have it disabled for the vanilla ones. I did mods.thermalexpansion.Furnace.removeRecipe(<minecraft:potion:0>);
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    Ah that's what the wiki told me to do I have put them all in the same script but still the recipe works and I don't want it to
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    In the screenshot there already is a ; Unless I misunderstood what you said.
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    Ok I'll give it a shot.Ok that worked. But for some reason I keep getting this error (Not the hqm error I know how to fix that) Heres my code Wait, is this the 1.7.10 or the 1.6.4 version of...
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    Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

    Oh btw I have a lot of free time on my hands that I could dedicate to making quests :) I've got some experience with HQM although the quest I made is very basic this would be the first Thaumcraft quest.
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    Creating New FTB Team: Positions Open

    Quest Title:The basics Description: You hear all of these voices in your head they're saying things but you can't quite hear them. You must make a tool that allows some type of magical aura to unlock more powers. Instructions: (Detection task, Having the item in your inventory is enough you can...
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    Thermal Expansions recipes for items aren't in the config only the blocks. What I'm trying to do is disable a smelting recipe which is The Salt Water Bottle, Cold Water Bottle and Dirty Water Bottle from Enviromine which all 3 smelt into a vanilla water bottle and I want to disable all 3. I have...
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    Using Jaded's Blood Disabling TE4 Recipes [Help]

    Hello Everyone, I have been informed that TE4 Recipes do not work with Minetweaker/Modtweaker so I downloaded Jaded's Blood. But i'm a bit confused on how to use it. All I want to do is disable the water bottle recipe from TE4's Furnace, Transposer, and Crucible. Also, if supported how would I...
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    Chaning Mod Recipes With Modtweaker?

    I got some scripts that have the code but here is the links to the errors and the code The error: The Code:
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    MineTweaker/ModTweaker - A help and suggestions thread.

    What would I type if I wanted to remove a recipe from the redstone furnace? I want to remove some smelting recipes from Enviromine which adds the salt water bottle, dirty water bottle and the cold water bottle. I want them to not be able to be turned into a regular water bottle from smelting. I...