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  1. J

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name: Jijeras97 In-Game Name: 1BM35 Age: 16 Country: United States Have you ever been banned? why? Nope. Never played on a FTB server If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Man of Steel because, of course, the movie...
  2. J

    Ultimate Modpack - Gregtech: Looking for a raw materials guide

    Just disable the hard recipes in the config.
  3. J

    Do you like to hide your machinery behind the scenes?

    Title says all. If you don't understand, e.g hiding energy conduits, pipes, etc. I don't.
  4. J

    Advanced diamond drill: fortune III or silk touch?

    Install Tinkers Construct and add some Lapis Lazuli to your custom tool instead of drills :)
  5. J

    Bee Breeding Question

    Alright thanks! I was pretty frustrated that I didn't have the right princesses. I already have purebred Imperials to produce infinite Royal Jelly and Honeydew with an automatic system, now I need Industrious.
  6. J

    NEI/Iron Chest/Inv Tweaks issue.

    Not that I know of, but I just like to put an underscore in the search box to clear it.
  7. J

    Automating Forestry Farms Items transfering

    I think you should take a look at Direwolf20's latest Forgecraft videos. He automated it with AE, you should watch it.
  8. J

    Bee Breeding Question

    Hi, I'm currently breeding bees and watching Generikb's Beecademy at the same time. My question is for mutations, lets say a Cultivated is a Common and a Hive. Does it have to be a Common Princess and a Hive Drone or can it be vise versa (Princess Hive Drove and a Common Drone) Thanks.
  9. J

    Problem with Authartic Gates

    Thanks guys.
  10. J

    What's Your Favorite Mod?

    Thermal Expansion and Forestry and Modular Powersuits.
  11. J

    Problem with Authartic Gates

    Hi, I've recently started on IC2 power and I'm using wood from my Forestry tree farm to power the generator to the batbox, and I want the generator to automatically refuel when there is space. I made Authartic gates and I put a chest, a wooden pipe leading to the generator and then placed the...
  12. J

    [Tutorial] How To Get Lots Of Redstone Energy (MJ) Early

    Isn't that what Direwolf made?
  13. J

    [Tutorial] How To Get Lots Of Redstone Energy (MJ) Early

    I should really try this.
  14. J

    [Tutorial] How To Get Lots Of Redstone Energy (MJ) Early

    In this tutorial you will be taught how to get lots of redstone energy from Thermal Expansion. If you don't know how to start from scratch, please look at this thread: Once you get the picture that the poster of...
  15. J

    Official FTB seed thread.

    Seed: 9 - Lots of Caves - Spawn right next to a forest, plains, and desert - Large Oil Well which expands down to an oil lake underground - Ravine - Deep Caves - Desert torch plants (don't know exact name) for blaze powder.
  16. J

    What modpack do you prefer to play?

    Title says it all guys. What modpack in FTB do you prefer to play for survival/singleplayer? I'm playing on Mindcrack singleplayer at the moment and I added a few mods that I felt like I wanted; Modular Powersuits, Hit Splat Damage Indicators, and Applied Energestics. New to A.E and starting to...
  17. J

    GregTech: Don't understand why the macerator is so expensive.

    I've noticed the Macerator recipe from IC2 is like super expensive because of GregTech, and I have disabled the recipe, but I still don't understand why it's so expensive with it. I'm new to FTB and to my knowledge you need a macerator to make a solar panel for coal dust?
  18. J

    Feed the Beast Ultimate lags is there any mods I can drop to make it lag less?

    Did you set your video settings to lowest settings possible except FPS? I have fancy graphics and smooth lightning on and I don't have lag, but turn off those settings. For server lag, more RAM.