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  1. O

    Endertanks vs Tesseracts Pros And Cons?

    In that situation wouldn't it be just as easy to move a cube as it is a tank? If not, I'd tank->Tank->cube it.
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    Buildcraft fuel to OP ?

    Fuel is supposed to give the highest energy density there is, with it's balance being scarcity. You'll lose that feeling once your reserves run out. The whole point of it is it's ment to provide that earlyish power untill you get something more sustainable go. I suspect their is a config file...
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    UU-Matter Problem

    For the record, it is the current ruler of Britannia that is the problem. As a nation it goes through ups and downs throughout the series, with a verity of views among it's nobles (Concoured colenys are treated better then meny real word examples tbh.) As British myself I would actually...
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    Best lagfree sorting system? Pipes vs Tubes

    Depends. Graphical lag wise, neither are good as you still have lots of entities in pipes. AE and tesseracts and ender chests are best for that. Sorting wise, If you HAVE to use those mods I would say tubes because you have the sorting machine. You'll probably be able to build a much more...
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    Mystcraft Instability - Why?

    Yes. Thats pritty much exactly what I am saying. I am not 100% sure if you can get a stable age without clear modifyers or not (just that you need it to garentee it), so writing the same book multiple times might work.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    The largest hollow hills (The ones with wraith spawners) have emeralds among the stalagmites. With a magic map to find them and some flight they're a pritty good method. (There is also usualy more gold/lapis then you kknow what to do with, a load of diamonds...)
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    Mystcraft Help Please

    You can't change the color of moons or suns. Only the sunset colour.
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    Biomass/Automatic Tree Farm Setup

    When it comes down to mutiple types of crops (as opposed to trees), a couple golems beats a multifarm easy :) I must say I'm really ebgining to like those golems. You get a large chunck of what a well programed turtle will do with no programing stright out of the magical box.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Large Hills in the Twilight forest or Trading is the easyest way for emeralds I think. The easyest way to get /pages/ is to go to any mystcraft world and fly around looking for the library structures. Do it in an eernal day flat world with a biome with no trees for mega easyness.
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    Mystcraft Instability - Why?

    I'm pritty sure Full length on a dark moon is invalid, thus instability. Elsewise yes you DO need clear modifyers at the end of a book to prevent a certain bug.
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    Help with Thaumcraft 3 Mod

    If you have a bad Node, as in a dark one, You will forever be gaining flux. Each wisp /spawn/ reduces the flux (you don't have to kill them) But if you want it to go away for good your options are basicaly enough bees to outpace the node, moving it very far away, or making a bigger pure node and...
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    Easier ways of killing wither

    A few of those TNT shots form the handgun also worked.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Giant Mounted Magical Lazors are frankly, the only /cool/ way of mining in the pack. That it causes the world to be cogered in unatural hostile creates, storms, and strage effects is a bonus. I'd wonder If ou could use crystal capacitors/deployers/block breakers and a massive vis generation...
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    Flux help

    Oh, dont forget rapir on your tools will use Vis, vus Flux too.
  15. O

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    The link modifyer was an admin/debug block (and siad as much in the thread) As an access method to things that wern't really fleshed out yet. I'm surprised it had a recipie to begin with.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    From what i recall, the recipie was removed, or isn';t showing in NEI if it /is/ craftable. The block can still be spawned in.
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    Can Force Fields Stop Decay Blocks?

    I'd also like to know if they stand up to meteors, if you happon to find out when testing (and if they leave blocks on the force feild) I wonder what forcefeild + black decay would do? Infinatly falling forcefeild blocks?
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    Can anyone think of a food setup that beats this?

    I usualy use looting + steak from a Sword Of Xepher (Since I have a feeding thing in ym cow pen, and the sword kills multiple at one for multiple meats) Lasts so Long I never get around to automated food. (I now have the auto-feeder, it's been a while since I manualy ate) On wheat farms with...
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    Can anyone think of a food setup that beats this?

    Could you drop the cows directly into The infernal Furnace?
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    Should I give up on FTB?

    I'm not on to check, but generally you want to aim for the pulverizer, not the macerator in these packs. It doubles your ores and gives extras. As a general rule, look into the thermal expansion machines. A lot of the mod balance works around them as opposed to the IC2 ones.