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  1. C

    any way to 'load balance' items properly between 2 or more machines?

    No, that's not complicated enough. :P
  2. C

    any way to 'load balance' items properly between 2 or more machines?

    3 ideas come to mind. The first is computer craft, either with turtles MigukNamja suggested, or with OpenPeripheral and some push() calls on a chest. This is pretty easy if you're familiar with CC. Second is an MFR Item Router. I think that will be able to split a stack for you. The...
  3. C

    turtle coding

    Behold the power of formatting: while true do for i = 1, 4 do turtle.attack() turtle.turnleft() turtle.dropDown() repeat until turtle.dropDown() == false end while false do turtle.dropDown() until turtle.drioDown() == false -- No 'repeat', is that allowed...
  4. C

    I did bee math! (Now with more usability!)

    So it looks like untreated frames last 16 bee-ticks in frame housings. Which would explain why the math doesn't come out like I thought it would.
  5. C

    I did bee math! (Now with more usability!)

    I spot checked a couple of the queens before posting, and they were fastest speed. I think most of them were made by cloning the line so they should all be the same, but it is possible that I screwed that up. I'll check them all when I get home tonight. And that they have/get frames, because...
  6. C

    I did bee math! (Now with more usability!)

    I have a bee math problem. I'm trying to provide all the string I need for my untreated frames with wispy bees, but what happens in game doesn't match my math. I think it should work like this: Every tick*, each wispy queen makes 2 silky combs and 1 silk wisp. Those 2 combs centrifuge down to...
  7. C

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    My frames in frame housings don't seem to last anywhere near as long as expected. Why? And how long are they lasting?
  8. C

    Whitelist Server L2Devastation ~ Ultimate Pack ~ Whitelist ~ New ~ 50 Slots ~ Age: 21+ ~ NoMobGrief ~ Mining Age

    1. Forum Name: CaseyRobinson 2. In Game Name: CaseyRobinson 3. Age: 36 4. Country: USA 5. Timezone: +8 6. Prior Minecraft Experience: Played Vanilla a ton years ago (before mobs worked in SMP), got back into it for a few months a year or two ago modded up with the YogBox (mostly I just...
  9. C

    Death Chest

    Just fell off the edge of the end (Jetpackin' around and didn't notice I was so low...) and hit a crash with this. This is with Mindcrack 8.1.1 & the 0.4.0 version of tombstone. java.lang.NullPointerException at TombStone.DeathEventHook.onEntityDeath( at...
  10. C

    Keep Inventory/Death Chest Plugin?

    Did you try the one over in this post? (Or any subsequent updates.)