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    Question: Ever Dance?
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    Quagmire essentially devours.
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    Quality entertainment dude!
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    Quigley? 'E's Downunda.
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    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    RJS the outside aerial shot of your base is killer!
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    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    I haven't had much time to play MC this week. I've had a lot to accomplish in the real world :) Still, I have managed to do a few things, cosmetic mostly. Also I had forgot to show my Mystcraft/Enchanting rooms little secret. I had shown this. A nice, clean and open space. However for the...
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    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour! Looks pretty straight forward. Make one!
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    An old farmer's dog goes missing and he is inconsolable. His wife says to him, "why don't you put an ad in the paper to get him back". The farmer does this, but after two weeks the dog is still missing. "What did you write in the paper?" asked his wife. "Here boy," said the farmer.
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, you wont have to wait that long you will have to wait this long - but the wait will be worth it, you did stellar. I wish I could save time in a bottle.
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    rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

    I completely agree. BTW if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery consider yourself flattered. The lights you build took me forever and a day to figure out ( I've never used the more advanced carpenters blocks or tools ). It was fun but I really suck at getting the bits to go where they are...
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    rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

    Really? I actually liked the look ( with chisel to make the other two bits progressively darker ) and I only use soartex as well :D We are under siege for that it seems!
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    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    Ok. High Speed rails looks like a blast. If we don't have access to that I may request the mod that does :)
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    rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

    Making concrete isn't too hard and with chisel you are able to fade them. It's a fantastic look for a wall around a base or a weathered building. I've used them on one base. I don't think that game save is around but it really is a good look.
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    Why does an elephant have a six foot trunk? Where else are you going to put a five foot booger?
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    Guy walks into a doctor's office with a hotdog in one ear, carrot in the other, french fry in one nostril and string bean in the other. He says, "Doctor, doctor, please tell me what's wrong with me!!" Doctor says, that's easy! You're not eating properly.
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    Q: What do you do with an Elephant with 3 balls? A: Walk him and pitch to the Rhino.
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    Q: What has two legs and bleeds? A: Half a hamster.
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
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    The Truly Terrible Jokes/Puns Thread

    Q: Why do ducks have webbed feet? A: To stomp out forest fires. Q: Why do elephants have flat feet? A: To stomp out burning ducks.
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    You Must Choose

    I foolishly strive to be liked by everyone. I long to be loved by one. In a fashion other than I have personal experience with tyvm :D In the end though, to be loved, say like a dog loves you would be great, but that much attention, that much need, I think it would become too intense. I will...