Search results for query: direwolf20 pack 1.5 biomes

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  1. M

    Mixed Natura and Highlands

    I have a FTB style world which predates Direwolf20's 1.6 pack. It works but between the two biome generators, I can't find any Extreme Hills vanilla biomes (and therefore no emeralds). Do either of these mods have emerald containing biomes - I've looked but not found.
  2. W

    Changing Modpacks?

    Well, more towards a custom setup of a pack, from horizons (obviously we will have to keep the biomes mods) more like removing rotarycraft and a few others, and adding a bunch of mods in. Or if possible, perhaps moving to something like direwolf20.
  3. M

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    The chunk being different is actually caused by Ars Magica 2 adding a biome (this occurred in 1.0.10) which causes a change in the distribution of biomes for all overworld generation methods; aside from superflat. The chunk reset is probably MFR and some other mod interacting, possibly blocks...
  4. J

    Direwolf 20 chunk reset

    So, me and my sister have been playing direwolf20 pack over LAN (building, pranking) and recently something weird happened. I joined just like usually, and spotted that half of my house is replaced with hill. So after of couple minutes of trying to find backup (which is nowhere to be found), I...
  5. B

    Difference Between Direwolf20 and Monster

    I tried to look around, but couldn't find a comparison of mods between Direwolf20 and Monster packs... So, I did it myself :) Source: List on FTB Launcher, Monster version 1.0.3 Direwolf20 verison 1.0.11 Please tell me if you see any faults here! Here it is for all to see: Included in both...
  6. M

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    It probably happened on the update from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10+; Ars Magica 2 added a biome, this changes the list of possible biomes for all world types. Thus now the layout of biomes is changed. There is, unfortunately, very little that can be done to fix this. When I update I will be emigrating...
  7. T

    Direwolf20 1.6.4 pack beta biomes issue

    Whenever i create a world and set it as biomes o plenty world, there are only a few biomes from the mod. The biomes are the heathland, sacred springs, magic forest, cherry tree forest and a few others however I am wondering why there are no other biomes from the mod since the mod contains...
  8. B

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 (1.6.4) Mod & Version: Direwolf20 1.0.10 - 1.0.11 (biomes o plenty i think) Pastebin link to crash log: Whats the bug? This happened I assume from last update (.10 to .11). When i logged in i was still in part of my basement doing Thaumcraft research, so didn't notice...
  9. H

    Whitelist Server Subverse [ - | Whitelist | 24/7 | Managed | Mumble ]

    Subverse 2.0 We've moved to a private pack. Applications are closed. Subverse is a Direwolf20 1.6.4 server for those who want a free experience and like to noodle around, but at the same time want a community to share their experience and creations with. While there may arise community project...
  10. S

    Biomes o' Plenty config change for existing world possible?

    Hey Guys, I currently Play on the new Direwolf20 Pack for 1.6.2, but I just recently discovered that many of the BoP Biomes in the config are disabled by default. Is it possible to enable those for my existing world without Problems? Or will this cause biomes to corrupt and cut off in the...
  11. S

    Direwolf20: v1.0.8 Hard lag... Memory leak?

    Operating System and bit type: Windows 7 64-bit Java version/update and bit type: 7v45 64-bit Launcher version: newest launcher, pack DW20, v1.0.8 Console log, link: Description of the Issue: New Direwolf20 v1.0.8 map -- Memory usage raises all the way...
  12. L

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.9 Mod & Version: Pastebin link to crash log: Whats the bug? Unable to enter mystcraft worlds after created. I encounter an error when clicking on the right hand panel of a placed descriptive book (the part...
  13. U

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Have you looked up to the sky yet? Slime islands everywhere. If you can't reach them then kill a bat and fly there. If you press U on it what does it say you can do with it. The U key is for NEI to tell you what you can do with it.
  14. Y

    Vanilla and Biomes o Plenty customization?

    I don't think you can actually control the generation of the biomes like that, unless you were to use some kind of program that let's you do that. though I don't know of any of those programs. disabling the vanilla biomes does not affect the generation of similar BoP biomes, but I do not...
  15. D

    Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 (MC 1.6.4) Mod & Version: Biomes o' Plenty? Tinkers Construct? Pastebin link to crash log:N/A Whats the bug? Well, i can't find any green/blue slimes, anywhere... don't know if it is becasue BoP or TC but i've looked in swamps, full moons, slime chunks, nothing... not...
  16. T

    I am new at FTB and i need your help guys

    Mindcrack, Ultimate, Direwolf20 1.4.7, Direwolf20 1.5.2, and Unleashed are all different packs, with different versions of Minecraft, different mods, different IDs, and different configs. Even within the same pack, there are different versions where the mod versions, IDs, and configs will...
  17. D

    Vanilla and Biomes o Plenty customization?

    First off im using the direwolf20 1.6.4 pack. I found out the pack comes with most of the BOPs disabled. So I enabled them all. I ended up watching a video that showcased all the biomes and i picked out which ones i disliked and disabled those. Is there anyway to kinda tell the game to have...
  18. T

    Server Gets Some Errors, Sometimes Crashes

    I am running on Windows 8.1 64-bit I am sort of using a provider but not really i'm host hosting a MC server with hamachi on something called MineOS and MineOS is installed onto Linux Debian which I installed onto a program called Oracle VM Virtrual Box. It simulates a OS. My version of FTB is...
  19. J

    Whitelist Server [1.6.4] ArgentumCraft | DireWolf v1.0.8 | Whitelist - [16+][NEW WORLD][BOP][Mature Players]

    All accepted! Please join (make an account) on the website, and obtain the IP there! "MPierce39" is only accepted because he has previously been on ArgentumCraft! We are not accepted any more applications at the moment!
  20. S

    thaumcraft 4 taint question

    Hmmm, that's odd. After roaming around a bit I found quite a few tainted chunks (at least 10) kind of scattered near each other. This is on the direwolf20 pack for 1.6, and the terrain was generated with either the first, second, or third versions, can't quite remember and it probably doesn't...