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    Problem Why ic2!!!? why:(

    Its a know bug, its was so much known that they said it was gonna be fixed on the next update wich happened last week :(, at least the size of the logs its not reaching retarded sizes but still. /manu
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    ive got 99 problems and an entity is all of them...

    He said it was a server and sometimes the server might crash but the single player will not. I had a problem with 1800 entities in place wich crashed my server but it let me log and use the commands using the map on single player, laggy but better than nothin. /manu
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    Problem Why ic2!!!? why:(

    It seems they did remove the debbuger for most of the machines so the 16bg logs stopped, so today i go and check my logs and there its is! te evil log-spam ...... 15:12:05 CONSOLE: [WARNING] EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom: ic2.core.block.generator.tileentity.TileEntityReactorChamberElectric@2978d774...
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    info stdout inserting 1xitem.beedroneGe@0 into 2

    its doing it with apples and bees, and ic2 spam is still there, ive only seen it for the nuclear reactor. spam spam spam spam /manu
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    ive got 99 problems and an entity is all of them...

    Get forge essentials m8, easy to install and easy to use. open the map on singleplayer and just run the remove command. /remove [radius] [x, y, z] ------> Remove all item entities within specified radius or specified point, or 15 blocks by default. /manu
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    Have to share this amazing build

    A little more information would be cool m8 :P maybe a piture or a video or a better explanation lol. Ill give you a cool storybro till you give some info ;) /manu
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    Will you bother with Ultimate?

    This is the reason im waiting, its not that i cant update the mods and fix the id conflicts, its the fact that i have to explain to all my users how to do also and i really dont have time for it. /manu
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    Will you bother with Ultimate?

    im gonna migrate to the ultimate from the mindcrack one, but im keeping the difficulty settings for the mods both have in common from the mindcrack. SO hard mode gregtech ftw. /manu
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    looking for help

    there is a beta version of mcedit that supposedly works with mod packs, try using that one, version 0.17 if i remeber correcly. /manu
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    Elooram's back.

    now all the fanbois can rejoice and say how the ppl that got pissed cuz she dissapeared without bothering to say anything were wrong, forgetting the fact that the last twitt was on dec 29, i guess its hard to send a twitt when you are working with computers and have internet at your dispossal...
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    Redpower going the way of Nandonalt's Mods?

    what is redpower? i kidd i kidd, does anyone know if elo is human? maybe she is an alien that only come to earth once a year to update redpower and be abused by the masses cuz she took to long to update..... now really on a serious note, she has the right not to say anything to us but IMO (for...
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    Solved Mysterious white block of death

    Nvm guys i found what it was, its actually a train seat from traincraft, for some reason most of the trains on the server bugged and you could only see the white square, sadly i had to take the mod out and back in and we lost the ores we had acumulated, at least if anyone wants to get more ores...
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    Solved Mysterious white block of death

    Latest Mindcrack Pack and nope, nothing on the console, everything is normal, not counting the white alien thing killing the map :D /manu
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    Solved Mysterious white block of death

    The last few days we have gotten some wierd server lag even when there were 2 ppl online, so i decided to take the map down and check it for errors and found that a zone had aroun 10k entities, the problem is the the entities are this: a 10k entities block that cannot be affected even in...
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    I wonder when we'll see the ultimate pack.

    well if we know at the speed elooram is working cuz of RL, i would say that if they wait for 1.5, the ultimate pack with redpower will be out next year o_O /manu
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    on the new farms you use it a lot, you need fertilizer for some of them to work. I havent seen this huge formations you guys talk about yet, but i read somewhere that you can find em like that but the small veins are not gonna be common anymore. /manu
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    Mindcrack ftb help

    are you certain that the solar panel has a direct line to the "sky"? /manu
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    Forestry new farms and power.

    ahhhh ic what you did there and yes m8 you did an awesome job with em hehe. I did test it now a bit, i conected a thermal expac redstone battery to it and gave it 100mj and the farm looked like it was gonna have a heart attack from the speed it went. As some ppl said here, since you can put more...
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    Forestry new farms and power.

    Fist of all let me say that I love the new farms, sengir did an awesome job. Now I made a 100 block mega farm for wood and apples for my biomass>biofuel production and I'm wondering whats the ideal power I should supply the farm? Does it have a max input? Is there a point when more power is...
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    GregTech's changes and Ore Gen

    Who necrod a 45 days old thread :P? besides there will never be a winner between the haters and the lovers of greg, so just relax and disble or relax and enable hehe:) /manu