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  1. F

    Updating versions

    Don't forget mystcraft if you don't feel like trekking a few klicks to generate new terrain. If you use a mining world, then you could just replace it when you need more worldgen. Alternatively, you could make a mining world specifically for the new ores.
  2. F

    Lost in Mystcraft worlds?

    I could be wrong, but i think that nether portals are disabled in mystcraft ages. The "twilight forest trick" would probably also work with any other dimension mod (like tropicraft).
  3. F

    If you could create a mod what would it be?

    I would try to create an addon for mystcraft that provided cross-server functionality. Books would still be crafted the same way, but the book metadata would store the server as well as the dimension. Since the FTB pack will go a long way towards standardizing server mods and configs, it...
  4. F

    Two ideas for the launcher

    First I wanted to thank you guys for your hard work. I love the launcher. I can finally play minecraft with my friends without having to manually install and configure mods on each of their computers. I had two ideas for the launcher (well, one reasonably original idea): The first is the...
  5. F


    Yep, to anyone wondering what was wrong. Optifine C6 is incompatible with the version of forge in the pack. You can either update forge to or, or just use optifine C2 like the TC. Personally, I use C2.
  6. F

    Random timer crash

    That crash is due to a problem with optifine C6. There are a few options: Get the C2 version of optifine; it should work with the FTB pack as-is. Or update forge to, update java, and update lwjgl. It could be an incompatibility wither any of those three, i'm not sure. I am not...
  7. F

    Mechwarrior Online

    Hmm, seems interesting. I'm sort of clueless of the lore, but is this set pre or post clan invasion? I'm seeing all inner sphere factions, and i'm curious whether there will be much clan tech or lostech. I'm not sure if Mechwarrior Online or Mechwarrior Living Legends would be the best way to...
  8. F

    Just wondering-- pnp D&D?

    I haven't played DnD since highschool, but it is a lot of fun. My goal was always to see what I could get away with: chucking small party members at enemies while retreating, using my psion to phase through the shop walls after hours, robbing quest givers, trying to turn my psion into a god by...
  9. F

    Kerbal Space Program

    I'm just gonna drop in here and say that Jebediah is a boss. With his joyful smiling, you half expect him to break into cheering when pieces start falling off (Now this flight is getting fun). The only time I've seen him freak out was when project space brick went pear shaped. Luckily no one...
  10. F

    What do you use to play Minecraft?

    Intel - I7 920 6 Gb ram (I don't remember the brand) GTX 480 A few generic 1 TB drives.
  11. F

    Hi from someone who is an old fogey and a noob at once

    Hey guys, My name is Fuubar and I picked up minecraft two years ago (bout when compasses were added). You may notice I didn't say I've played minecraft for two years, I burned myself on Alpha 1.2.5 (you can only build so many massive single player castles and cobblemechs in vanilla before you...
  12. F

    Useful tricks with portalgun checkpoints

    I wanted to see what textures and effects a checkpoint would inherit from blocks that change. I was using a lever to toggle the bottom block on and off. The lever happened to be on when I placed the RP2 lamp, so I didn't realize that it doesn't properly inherit from RP2 blocks until I turned...
  13. F

    Useful tricks with portalgun checkpoints

    I thought i would point some interesting "features" of PortalGun checkpoints. Here is an image of a checkpoint on top of a stone block. As you can see, it inherits the stone texture from the block below it. Now if I activate the left piston in the pic above, it will push the redpower lamp...
  14. F

    If you could create a mod what would it be?

    I'll just apologize in advance for the plethora of spelling and grammatical errors that likely exist in this post. It is late and I am tired. I'm considering getting off my butt (or onto it as the case may be) and figuring out how to code an addon for redpower frames. I would like to have...
  15. F


    If you use the minecraft errortest batch file it will display the the error message without automatically closing. The errot test batch is in the following post under troubleshooting
  16. F

    Single Player Mod Problems

    I could be wrong here, but doesn't the SHA1 digest error occur when you haven't deleted the META-inf folder? As for the earlier post with the many errors. My understanding is that forge and McPatcher have a few comparability issues. I would recommend using multimc and optifine.
  17. F

    Dwarf Fortress to Minecraft mod idea

    I'll have to try it later, but there is a dwarf fortress to infdev converter on the dwarf fortress forums. If you use the world generator port from the minecraft forums you should be able to convert from the infdev .mclevel to a current save. I don't remember what version of DF it needs since...