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    Whitelist Server Crimcraft (dw20 1.0.0) small whitelist server Mature (18+)

    In Game Name:GracoPicotrain Age:21 Location (including timezone):Pacific time California. Youtube channel (if you have one):none Twitch channel (or other streaming site):none Experience with modded minecraft:I played with the Beta pack for a whilr Why do you wish to join?:Want to get back into...
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    Cube World

    as simple as I can make it. I thought I would help clear something up all while hoping that the person I replied to knew of an alternative demo, which I would/did not know of, for the sole purpose of either helping a random stranger or being helped by said random stranger.
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    Cube World

    that person may have found his or her answer, but they could have had a demo that I did not know about with gameplay, and if that were the case I would have been both wrong about what demo they were talking about and would have wanted to know where they found this other demo.
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    Cube World

    I downloaded the demo before they were posted, the demo is still the same unless there is another demo I didn't know about.
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    Cube World

    i'm not sure if they have changed it since I last downloaded the demo, but from what I read about it the demo is only there for people to make sure it will start on their computer.
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    idk of a name yet|FTB Version1.1.7 beta|Whitelisted

    Name Suggestion "SouthBronx Gui Squad"
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    >.> more apps
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    World Anchor not working on my wheat farm?

    thats just what i read and was told before. is it a solo world or is it on a server? if it was on a server somebody could of walked by or been standing around. before i got a world anchor i was chunk of uu matter appear that should not of been there cause i was offline
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    Table of mods in FTB (Direwolf/Mindcrack) & Tekkit

    you should go into the mod folder or the ingame modlist to get current. when you get from launcher mod list it might not of been updated.
  10. T

    Good grief... block of iron = circular recipe hell?

    greg tech is not bad, it just takes learning the mod just like you had to when you first played ic2. sure its a little more work but would it be anyfun if it just handed everything to you? you might as well just play creative. something i heard a lot when i first started on gregtech is that...
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    World Anchor not working on my wheat farm?

    world anchor don't effect wheat or plants only machines. plants only grow when a player is near it world anchors only keep the chunk loaded they don't act as a player
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    Password Issues

    LOLOL i thought someone hacked my account for a second after seeing your name
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    Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

    i don't see it. its prolly like when people spell everything wrong intentionally
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    Hunt The Beast [1.4.6, DW20 Pack v3] - [Strict Whitelist] - [Mature] - [Everything Enabled]

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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    multiplayer servers down atm i just did the same thing xD
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    how far into thaum have you gotten? i only just got the golems i can't find any fire crystals
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    Feed The Beast [FTB Beta Pack A][1.4.2][Recorded][White-listed]

    Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us): when i can get going without getting reset all the time i can. i'm no expert in any of the mods i have used IC2 most but i would say i have don't better in CC even though i only just started learning it i got some...
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    when i saw it came out today i was like "HELL YEAH BRO" had been hooked on TC2 last couple days so i havent been on
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    Dev when thaumcraft 3 is put into FTB will you add it to server?
  20. T | Premium FTB Server

    IGN:Gracopicotrain Where you heard about the server: this forum post Why you would like to play on the server: want a fun server to play on If you have any bans on record: nope What can you bring to the community: adventure?