Search results

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  1. F

    Whitelist Server Project Dinamo [Monster 1.1.2][Whitelist][15 slots][No bans][18 +]

    Subreddit | Rules | Whitelist | Donator list Server IP : Mumble IP : About us Project Dinamo is a brand new server located in Europe, which aims to give everyone equal experience, that means no "premium members" and item shops... Also all of mods are enabled (except...
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    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    In Game Name:Flatbutter Age:18 Banned Before:Nowhere Experience with modded MC:Playing since tekkit came out, then switched to FTB. Goals On Server: I dont have any kind of long-term goals, other than have fun. Unique Skills?:LUA programming (actually im not good at it, I just know what im doing...
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    Whitelist Server XimCraft - FTB - Unleashed 1.1.4 [24/7] -Whitelisted

    What is your age?:18 Are you able to speak English?:Yes Do you agree to follow the Feed the Beast server rules?:Yes What is your minecraft username?:Flatbutter Why do you want to join our FTB server?: Currentlt I'm looking for active server where i could play safely without griefers (hence im...
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    Roll D20 [Direwolf20 V3][1.4.6][24/7] |Whitelist|Brand New World|20 Slots|

    IGN:flatbutter Age:17 Country:Latvia Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) : no Experience with mods?: I'm pretty good with RedPower and Computercraft, also I've been playing tekkit and direwolf20 SP modpack. Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope Any...
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    [1.4.6 Direwolf20 Modpack] LogiCarft - 16+, Mature

    Username: flatbutter Age: 17 Skype: Y/N : Y Whats your favorite Mod? : Computercraft. Why would you like to join our server? : I'm looking for a small, active server where i could share/build my redstone contraptions without being griefed. What could you bring to the server? : I'm...
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    GizmoCraft/Direwolf20pack/Whitelist/16+ Mature/20 Slots(ForNow)

    IGN:Norbert Age:17 Reason for Joining:I'm looking for mature, active server, where i could build/share my creations, without being griefed. Have you been banned: No Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): No Additional Info you can put(Optional): I'm good with computercraft, and RedPower.
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    Sturdy Tools | Direwolf20 v3 | Whitelisted

    Age : 17 IGN : flatbutter RL name : Norbert Reason : Hello, I'm looking for a small,mature server where i build/share my creations without worrying to get griefed.
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    Whitelist Server Please Close thread

    In Game Name: Flatbutter Do you understand and agree with rules stated above: (Y/N) : Yes If you have been banned before please share your side of the story (we do check for previous bans): I have't been banned Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? : I'm looking...
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    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Still cant get in server ;(, mby it hasn't been restarted?
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    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    I.G.N (In game name): flatbutter Age: 17 Reason you want to join: I'm looking for a small,mature server, because I'm tired to play on 1day servers, and singleplayer, also I'm willing to share my redstone creating with server :). Have you ever been banned on any other server: Nope
  11. F | Premium FTB Server

    ---- IGN: Flatbutter Where you heard about the server: Feed The Beast Forum Why you would like to play on the server: Because, I like FTB, Minecraft, and im searching for active server. If you have any bans on record: What can you bring to the community: Redpower, Forestry knowledge, also LUA...
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    Food For Tools|1.4.2|White List|New Server

    IGN: flatbutter Age: 17 Why you want to join: I'm looking for small, modded minecraft server. Anything else: I'm a Minecraft fan, mostly playing in SP with modpacks (direwolf20 mods, FTB now, also yogbox) I've been playing since release, where you didnt have damage in MP :p .
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    DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

    Ingame Name:flatbutter Age:17 Experience with Mods:About 1 year, experience with RedPower and Foresty (those two are my favorite mods :) favorite mod and why?: Foresty, because i love to make automated farms and biofuel :) Also redpower, because it makes things easier. Slowpoke or Direwolf for...