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  1. K

    Reset 0,0 map point

    I have but I would like it if spawn was at 0,0.
  2. K

    Reset 0,0 map point

    Is there a way to reset where 0,0 is on your map? I want the spawn to be at the center before I create world borders.
  3. K

    FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 Griefprevention Config

    FYI: BC Pipes don't explode anymore. They just have a maximum amount they can carry.
  4. K

    Restrict Item Placement by World?

    Ahhh.. I knew it had to be something obvious.. thanks :)
  5. K

    Restrict Item Placement by World?

    Is there any sort of plugin that would allow you to restrict an item placement by world? For instance only allow Quarries on a mining world?
  6. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    I salute you Griznor.. you are a manly manly man.. thank you for taking the grenade :D
  7. K

    Question about modular power suits mods.

    Anyone know why this wasn't included in the direwolf pack? It seems like an odd thing to not include...
  8. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Ryan: its a private pack but yes anyone can download it :)
  9. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    1 is broken and we're waiting for the next version.. 2 is what we're supposed to be using for restarting our worlds but since so much time has passed without an update I'm worried there may be a problem with it.. 3 is something I have as well that I want to remove..
  10. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Hahaha.. the last bastion of a failed argument.. in fact I don't want an ETA. I'm just hoping if someone knows that "X is wrong.. there is no way we can get it out until next week" they can say "Not happening this week/weekend.. sorry guys!" and we'll know :)
  11. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    The community voted for a fix that would require a wipe. While a few voted for the other option the overwhelming majority just want to get their worlds restarted so your argument is invalid. At this point we should not be waiting for any tool to fix worlds. Those that want to wait can...
  12. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    You think.. :) at the end of the day all I'm asking for is some sort of update on the status. This post would have half the pages it has if they were a little better about giving feedback on the state of things.
  13. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Normally I would agree with you 100% but in this case I have to disagree. FTB made a commitment to the community and to Direwolf20 to maintain a mod pack. Then someone screwed the pooch. It happens.. hell I've done it at my job. But guess what? I put in the time and effort to get it fixed...
  14. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Any chance we're going to have this before the weekend? The server we're on is looking at a full wipe and I sure would like to be able to play :)
  15. K

    Real RAM Numbers

    That does help. Have you ever used less ram? Do you think you could support more with 16 GB or is 30 the limit?
  16. K

    DW20 BoP not included by default...

    A lot of servers will not enable it because it forces users to enable it and lots of people are too lazy to do so. This really sucks :\
  17. K

    Real RAM Numbers

    How much ram are people using to host a 20(ish) user Direwolf20 (either version) servers without bad lag? Seems like an easy question but my Google searches aren't turning up anything. And yes I know other things are important.. just need to know amount of RAM. Thanks!
  18. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    What about setting the hidden block id in RailCraft to 0 as a default? That just seems to cause so many problems..
  19. K

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    seems like the majority has decided.. when do we get the new version? we have a village we need to rebuild :)