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    Direwolf 20's pack

    Right i will try this, just need more land Thanks for the answers.
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    Direwolf 20's pack

    so i have to enable each biome i want? hope to finally find a normal seed instead of some island for a change.
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    Direwolf 20's pack

    Greetings all, I have a question about terrain generation, are all BoP biomes disabled in the pack, bc after at least 30 different worlds i have not seen a single biome from BoP. All worlds are like small to a bit bigger islands, but thats about it. Is there a reason for them to be disabled? I...
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    Direwolf 20's Season 6 Lets Play

    Its just DW20's pack, there will be more packs next week or so, i am allready happy enough that i can finally play with a 1.6 pack, i am missing extra bees and machines to, perhaps someday these mods will make it to a pack. Till then loads of things to explore.
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    Upcoming Mod Packs

    Thanks for explaining Slow, mutch appriciated.
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    FTB Horizons - General Feedback Thread

    I like to wait before getting into it, to mutch missing mods like forestry / steves carts. Hopefully one day :p
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    Whitelist Server Private Server [Unleashed 1.13] [Biome O' Plenty] [ Enchant +] [Adult 18+] [TS]

    Hi, i am playing on this server for a few weeks now, its a very stable server (best one i seen), i havent seen a disconect/crash (only when MC servers are down), but we could need some more people. All the members are very social and its a Fantastic place to hang out. I am for sure not leaving...
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    is my laptop strong enough for feed the beast

    I think op is dutch, so 'ja lukt wel, zal wel zwaar worden maar zal wel lukken".
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    What version of minecraft does FTB run on?

    1.47 as stated in the launcher.
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    Thanks alot for the replys, this makes it not easy, but alot more clear now. I was putting all hybrids i got into a apiarys chest and the "pure's" into another. But i saw the chest filling up quickly. I will make some more apiarys and learn on how to fix the hybrid ones. I got alot to learn...
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    Greetings everyone. I am done some research on bee breeding altho i could not find the right answer or maybe i have not understand it completely. So i wanted to ask it here, how do i breed bees. I got loads of chests full of hybrids, but it seems to me impossible to get some princesses that...
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    Whitelist Server CodeRed | DW20 | White Listed | mature | New Start!| 18 slots

    Ingamename : Calmz0r Age : 40 How often i play MC? ; 5 days a week What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: An expirimental player that likes a good laugh. What kind of experience do you have with FTB?: Standard experiance. always looking to learn more. What do you think you can...
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    Easy Way to get a Tier 5 Pig Spawner

    The music and pigs are a Unique mix, and not to forget pork chops for life. Thanks for the entertainment.. ;)
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    Happy Birthday direwolf20!

    Happy Birthday DW, all best wishes from Holland, have a great day!
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    Whitelist Server JAG Craft | Whitelist | 24/7 | 18 Slots | Forge Essentials

    1) Have you read everything above? Yes i have read everything. 2) In Game Name: Calmz0r 3) Age: to old, like 40. 4) Location (country/timezone): Europe, Netherlands 5) Time you are generally on: when i get home from work. 6) How long have you been playing Minecraft:' almost 1,5 year 7) How long...
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    Whitelist Server EclipseCraft|Direwolf 5.2.1|Moderate Whitelist|15 Slots|24/7|

    In Game Name: Calmz0r Real Age:40 Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): Because i am having loads of fun in my single world, but its missing a Multi player feeling. working together is more fun then doing all alone. Why should I choose you over...