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  1. E

    Redstone Logic Gates v1 [Computercraft][9 Gates][More Planned]

    only 1 thing as you can do it plzz make it cliclebul its not that hard and a propper menu on start whit all the gates that will be good to and a simple menu is not that hard:P
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    Whitelist Server CodeRed | DW20 | White Listed | mature | New Start!| 18 slots

    In game Name: eningly Age: 20 How often do you play Minecraft: i try always 1 hour a day as i can ofcorese more What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: a mutered helpfull mincraft player whit knolige What kind of experience do you have with FTB? maybe a little bit to much i am...
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    Whitelist Server Miner's Paradise | DW20 5.2.1.| Whitelist | 20 Slots | EU | 18+ | PVP | | NO FREE SLOTS

    IGN eningly How old are you? 20 Where do you come from? holland How long can you play with us a day? 1-5 hours a day Whats your favorite mod in the DireWolf20 Pack? now it is computercraft i don all the other mods and cccraft is really nice
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    Whitelist Server North-Craft[Direwolf 1.7.10]|Plugins|Grief-Protection|No-PvP/No-Grief|

    Minecraft Username:eningly Age: 20 Time Zone?gmt +1 and +2 stupit summertime How many hours a week do you think you'll be on?i try adleast 5 hour can be more but always 5 hours Why do YOU want to join:i am looking for a communiti thats active i think this server is active alot so maybe i can...
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    Whitelist Server World of FTB|Direwolf20|18+|Mature|Anti-Grief|15 Slots|10GB Ram|Whitelisted|PvE/Survival - CLOSED -

    IGN:eningly Age:20 Have you ever been banned from a server?:nope never Have you had experience with any of the mods in the modpack?:i have experience whit alot of mods i wil not list them but most tekkit stuf i can dream and i am loving RP and cc for obvius resons to automate things whit a...
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    Whitelist Server LogiCraft [16+ mature][TeamSpeak][24/7]

    Username:eningly Age:20 Teamspeak? yes Why would you like to join? i am looking for a nice community to build whit What could you bring to the server? my knolige of alot of mods most of tekkit what i played whit i can do the most things and can make programs whit cc and RP2 What is you favorite...
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    Whitelist Server Durgcraft|DireWolf20 v5.1.1|Whitelisted|16+|Mature|24/7|UK based

    Name/Nickname:eningly IGN:eningly Age:20 Why you want to join: i whas playing ftb for a while now whas bored of tekkit yes i played tekkit and now i whana play rilly play on a multyplayer whit a comunitie its verry nice to have peaple to build whit and this server took wrilly my atention What...