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  1. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ Beep boop < Boop Beep V Boop Beep Boop
  2. T

    What should i do with all this wheat?

    And why not burn it all... >;3
  3. T

    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    10 Soo anyone here play World of Tanks?
  4. T

    Why does the YogCraft modpack lag so much?

    Could you post the logs(in pastebin and put the link here)
  5. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ Maybe... < plays TF2 V Doesn't play TF2
  6. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ I will drop it < Super Ninja master of unicorn terminators V either mat or furfur
  7. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ Ahhh, how did you know? < Is me, but not you, but defenilty not her or him V someone else
  8. T

    Ask a stupid question...

    Because it states you have no life and wish to remain here. Why does the moon not made of cheese?
  9. T

    How Well Are You Known?

  10. T

    Whitelist Server Volition Gaming - A Family Friendly Server [New World, Plugins, Dedicated, 24/7, and more]

    I don't blame you or anyone, been playing cube world an World of Tanks too much XD, I will be glad to see this server up!
  11. T

    Why Minecraft Is Bad For Kids

    XD, next they are going to ask him to describe the process of strip mining...
  12. T

    How Well Are You Known?

    6/10 Hmmmmmmmmm Am I growing fur?
  13. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ does know why < doesn't play terraria V probably never even heard of cube world, now that needs a update...
  14. T

    The ^<V Game

    ^ yes I had oatmeal < Is happy he ate oatmeal V is a secret unicorn ninja terminator