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  1. D

    [DW20-5.01] Blaze farm and other problems

    Oh my *bleeping* god!!! I am so thick it is unreal, you were right ....peaceful mode lol Thank-you :D
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    [DW20-5.01] Blaze farm and other problems

    Hey all, Having a few problems with the latest version of Dire's modpack. I should note that everything was running 100% before this update. First prob was I was getting stuck on loading the world. Now I know this was Optifine but I couldnt delete it within the launcher (it wasn't there to...
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    U.S.S. Hamster [WIP]

    Looks cool, will check back to see your progress. Good luck :)
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    What mods (do you think) should be added to DW20 pack?

    Hasn't Dire mentioned himself that he wants to add Logistics Pipes when it is ready? I'm sure I remember him saying that, but I may be remembering wrong. I'm getting old lol!! Back on topic: I don't think that the OP meant it as in that Dire 'should' add these mods. I think he meant it more...
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    Thanks, I didn't know what they did either. Now I do :)
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    looking for a place...

    Am looking too. I find it's hard though, as more often than not you end up finding a server with people who just want to cause havoc. Hell I'd even pay if I found the right server.
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    [32x] 1.5.2 Faithful FTB Unleashed, Direwolf20, Unhinged +More

    I too had to stop using this pack due to the invisible Soul Forge. Admitedly I haven't tried it for a few days so will also try it later :D
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    What mods (do you think) should be added to DW20 pack?

    Just the obvious Logistics Pipes as both of you have said. Looking forward to it immensely too.
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    (Help) Blaze Farm in the overworld

    A little unrelated but I can't wait to make my Blaze farm lol :D
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    Need help with setting up a sorting facility

    Your welcome :) Make sure to come back and let us know how you got on or if you need any more help!
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    Need help with setting up a sorting facility

    Direwolf20's Lets Play Series 5 is your answer. He makes a simple yet very effective sorting system. It's covered over two half hour episodes (think they are ep10 and ep11) and is probably the most common method used.
  12. D

    EMC - EE - Energy Condenser

    They are indeed being removed. Tekkit were probably still running EE2. The mod devs aim is to make EE3 a lot more balanced than previous versions. Any powerful items will be end game and will be extremely high cost to make (his words) He has also removed the Destruction Catylst and simular items.
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    CTRL Clicking an item in inventory adds a stack to hotbar

    Disable cheat mode in NEI EDIT: It seems I didn't read your post properly. Like you say it only happens in cheat mode. Don't think there is anyway to disable it either unfortunately (I posted the same question a few days ago)
  14. D

    Rage quit life...

    I had the same thing last night, though not Quantum Armor. Had a forrestry backbacks full of goodies from mining as well and lost the lot lol :D
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    Anyone want to help sort InvTweaksTree.txt?

    This is really helpful, thanks
  16. D

    Getting started in FTB

    Have to agree with the above posters. Good sentiment, but you kind of contradicted yourself more than once. Maybe write one out in notepad first, go over it, then post it when you checked it over. Good luck.
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    Small Invtweaks Problem

    Ahh yes that is a simple solution.Don't know why I didn't think of that as I usually have cheat mode disabled in the NEI config anyway, so I must not have saved it properly. Thanks Rikki21 :)
  18. D

    Small Invtweaks Problem

    Hey all, Got a quick question regarding InvTweaks that I am too thick to sort out it seems lol. When I hold CTRL to move one item at a time it is not doing it properly and at the same time is automatically using the give command for that specific item. How do I set it so that it just moves...
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    Login failed due IOException

    Doesn't make a difference. It still does the same, I have tried :(