Need help with setting up a sorting facility

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi :)

As the title says, im struggleing setting up a sorting machine that lets me put everything into one chest and it all will be sorted into several other chest, also if i put ores like iron / gold it automatically send this to the macerator and furnance

tho the issue im always getting is either the filter or the sorting machine gets jammed up...

have been searching youtube for tutorials, but the ones ive found is either with only one sorting machine or not working

So im asking here if anyone know how i can get this set up correctly without things gets jammed up.

( i am playing on a server, that only me and a friend is using, so if you want to show me how this is set up, you are more then welcome to )
Can you do some screenshots of your system? What you might be needing is some buffers/relays. Might be as simple as your ores can't reach your machines, and are bouncing around the pipes, which I believe stops the sorting machine sorting anything more until the jam clears.

I could take a peek on your server, but won't be for 3-4 hours.
have been tearing it down and rebuilt it several times to try to get it to work, but it started with an imput chest, with a buffer and a filter, then pipes up to the loft, then a sorting machine, 2 pneumatic pipes and then next one, and so on, and in between i have 1 pipes that goes down and split into 2 chest with the color that maches the sorting machine,

the soring machines do have 1 input pipe that is white, so all items thats not in the first sorter goes to the next one and so on untill it finds its place
Direwolf20's Lets Play Series 5 is your answer. He makes a simple yet very effective sorting system. It's covered over two half hour episodes (think they are ep10 and ep11) and is probably the most common method used.
Direwolf20 Lets play series 5 is your answer. He makes a simple yet very effective sorting system. It's covered over two half hour episodes (think they are ep10 and ep11) and is probably the most common method used.

Ahh, ill check it out, thank you :)
Here is an easy tip for preventing jam's in case one of the destinations are blocked for one reason or another: place a restriction tube at the end of the line that inputs into a overflow chest. This ensures that if one of the destinations is jammed. witch happens frequently when autprocessing a lot of the items that are sorted because the machines that process these items might be flooded from time to time. Such jams usually clear themselves after a while, but if a quarry is going full tilt feeding the sorting machine you get a case where more and more items are backlogging the sorting system, potentially flooding the sorting buffer and spilling items on the ground if there is any buildcraft pipes involved anywhere in the chain. :eek:

The chest trick allows you to see what items are flooding the system, thus allowing you to remedy the bottleneck before it get's out of hand. you do have to keep an eye on it tho. (could make an overflow alarm with a pipe gate and some redstone logic too. it could even auto shut down you quarry or other prolific item producer to throttle the troughput until the system clears out by applying another pipe gate and some logic to the main input chest that activates a machine to pump items from overflow back into the sorting chest when it has emptied out) :cool:
Regarding that image, you don't even need to redstone pulse sorting machines if you put them in-line like that. Just give them some blutricity and they will sort without the pulse. You only need to pulse them when used to extract items from an adjacent inventory.
As a side I found while building my sorting system the easy way to clear jams while testing was just to plop a chest onto a tube to clear the machine. Made it a lot easyer to trouble shot parts of my sorter. When to broke just started ploping down chests until it cleared then I knew that was where my issue was.