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  1. L

    What are some mod combinations that makes your life easier?

    Which is why you keep it contained, elevated and well lit. No chance of the fire getting loose.
  2. L

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    For fighting the Chaos Guradian: Draconium Armor: Mandatory (Draconium flux capacitors especially multiples if you can swing it, Last stand and a LOOOT of levels is a good idea as well) Draconium Bow: Worthless. Seriously. The best is about 15 damage and that's with sharpshooter. It's not...
  3. L

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    Still finding stuff that is affected by torcherino. Found a big one. ProjectE energy collectors, anti-matter relays, and condensers. I now have a power flower that is creating an octuple compressed cobblestone (at over 43 million EMC each) every few seconds with two super compressed torcheinos...
  4. L

    Do rubber saplings grow inside

    Another question: if it's the MFR ones what type do you have? The standard, mega, sacred or glowing sacred? If it's the normal then see above. If it's the others you REALLY don't want them growing in your base.
  5. L

    [SOLVED] Speeding up tick duration

    dunno about a machine but the Torcherino mod can do that for a variety of objects.
  6. L

    Transfering Modpacks from one Pc to another

    Those are in a subfolder of the modpack.
  7. L

    Stabilized Spawner

    Okay to answer your questions: You place a Draconic core on a standard spawner, it will turn it into an empty draconic spawner. You can then pick it up with a DE pickaxe and move it to where you want. Next up is to get either a DE sword (wyvern or full draconic) or enchant a vanilla one with...
  8. L

    Buildcraft machines not accepting liquids

    Hmm, I can't think of anything that matches that apart from a sync issue. Unfortunately that's outside my field of knowledge.
  9. L

    Buildcraft machines not accepting liquids

    2 things: 1. BC machines are I-sided. This means that WHERE you put the fluids in matter as much as what fluids go in. For a refinery the best location is at the back, where the two tanks are. 2. Each of those piping systems need an active extraction method as barrels will not pump out on...
  10. L

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    I've actually seen a couple fully automated systems for this process. They're actually pretty neat.
  11. L

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    It's GregTech. Just LOOKING at it funny will cause it to explode. :D
  12. L

    Small little question about the Wither.

    You just want to see someone try that and curse at you after. :D
  13. L

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    Well that's because it's actually two mobs that are being spawned.
  14. L

    Trying out Draconic Evolution and was wondering...

    huh, just double checked in game and we're both right. It increases the rate of soul drops on DE swords AND it can be put on on other swords to give it a (lower) chance to get souls.
  15. L

    Trying out Draconic Evolution and was wondering...

    Really? I thought that was the point of the reaper enchant. To give other swords the ability to collect souls.
  16. L

    What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

    While I can understand the necessity of avoiding power creep, I would put in for either a more advanced engine or upgrades for existing ones. Even ignoring comparisons to other mods, the absolute maximum output of a single engine is at best 60 RF/t. Most machines in buildcraft utilize...
  17. L

    So I got my turbine setup, now the reactor?

    Done preaching? Good. I get it, you don't like the mod. There are mods I don't like myself. But I do not run around finding every thread about said mods and complain about them. This is a thread about setup mechanics, not like and dislikes. How about we keep it on topic?
  18. L

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    I have done that WAY too many times with WAY too many spots.
  19. L

    Question about Magical Crops.

    uhh what? The only recipe I know produces the certus seeds and the essence from that produces the ore. If you mean the seed recipe is only showing pure certus in use that could simply be a case of any certus (regular, pure, charged) being viable for the recipe.