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  1. S

    Mods that are updated to 1.5.1 (ultimate)

    Have we not got enough of these threads about..?
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    Jav Mods issues.

    That's your problem. FTB isn't updated to 1.5.1 yet. You need optifine for 1.4.6
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    Jav Mods issues.

    You've probably got the wrong optifine.
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    RedPower for FTB 1.5

    Okay so it's been a while but... At least she has previously tweeted she's working on it!! Give her chance. She's got a lot of work to do!!
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    Jav Mods issues.

    Pretty much the only things in javmod section should be Forge Optifine NEI config thing Volex(votex?) menu config thing Everything else lives in Mods
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    How do YOU power your quarry?

    I've managed to make a pick turtle... That eats coal like there's no tomorrow... Do I win? Seriousness though... Being on a flat land (yeah bad choice I know) I have little in the way of resources and planting trees is getting tedious in fuel my turtle and generator I've also sucked dry all 3...
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    Help difference between eu mj and blue tricity...

    Okay. Thanks (: I'm trying to work out best system of things and what I may as well avoid if it requires "independent" power sources
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    Help difference between eu mj and blue tricity...

    Okay... Finally. Is there easy..ish ways of making BE from EU or MJ.. Or viceversa?
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    Help difference between eu mj and blue tricity...

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone can explain to me the difference between eu and mj and blue tricity...? I know eu can be made using generators and can be stored in bat boxes and mfes. I know I can convert that easily with an electric engine to mj... (Is there any way of storing it ?) But what is...
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    Copper: Insanely Hard to Get

    I'm playing flat land. And although copper is "sparse" I quite often find veins of like 6-9 ores every 50 blocks or so between levels 50--24 Stick the 6-9 in a pulveriser and get double powders and I'm happy as larry
  11. S

    What do you consider cheating?

    All the above... Though if it rains for a long time... Even after sleeping I might consider toggling. I have.. Must admit.. Spawned items >.< However it was because they were expensive and I'd only made them 5 minutes before hitting them with a pick and tuning them in to machine blocks. So it...
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    List of recipes

    Aww dear. Not good. You should sleep more. Yours made a little more sense in a way anyway.
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    List of recipes

    Love how you quoted me and reworded my last sentence...
  14. S

    List of recipes

    Not difficult to use NEI Go to crafting bench search for item Mouse over item and press R Recipes are shown... Click the ? Box bottom right Recipe is made as "watermark" in bench so you can see the items Add items as normal One great feature is if you hold Shift whilst clicking the ? Button...
  15. S

    Can not download FTB Win8. Please help?

    Perhaps your admin settings are stopping you from running "dodgy" program's? You are downloading this one, right?
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    What Items Do You Think Players Under-Use?

    I always build this at the start of my worlds. Very useful.
  17. S

    Your first 10 items

    1Crafting table 2All tools in wood 3All tools in stone 4Door 5Double chest 6Furnace 7Slag furnace 8iron pick axes(3-5 depending on iron and coal supply) 9Iron furnace 10Another chest ... Yeah, kind of a slow starter with mine craft. :/
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    What am I doing wrong?[(Xycraft tank)Solved]

    Sum up No gravel or sand blocks. Blocks should be solid Max is 12x12x12 No items inside
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    Why i hate Xycraft

    I personally love the xycraft and its interesting blocks. I also love the fact that features coming if not already available are extremely useful. For example the tank builder which basically makes any block in a tank. And the (Thank you lambert :) ) crafting block that allows "intelligent"...
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    Harry potter :P Alex rider by Anthony Horowitz Terry Pratchett books.