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  1. D

    "minecraft servers might be down. check @"

    It started doing this to me as well about half an hour ago; it's just a thing, it's not an isolated incident, I'm sure it'll be fixed soon enough.
  2. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 NEI

    Well, first, I believe you will find that 0 is recipe mode, so setting that will probably help. Second, I have to ask you what may seem like a really stupid question; have you saved your changes to the config file? Third, I see you've posted about this before, were you unable to solve the...
  3. D

    Blocks don't render (Direwolf20 1.6.2 with mods disabled)

    DW20 is on 1.6.4 now; which version of the pack are you running? Also, have you edited the pack in any way (like adding OptiFine)?
  4. D

    After crashing playing direwolf20 mod pack, my world disappeared

    I'd recommend you try removing and reinstalling FTB/DW20, and then copy your world over into the fresh install.
  5. D

    direwolf 20 isnt loading

    Run through this: It sounds like something downloaded incorrectly.
  6. D

    Destabillized Redstone...Energized Glowstone

    Try forcing an update (switch the version, play, quit, switch back, play). If that doesn't work, try reinstalling completely. Remember to back up your world(s) first.
  7. D

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    I have to agree with Infallible here, more or less. Yes, we are judging the playstyle you are espousing, and I won't make apologies for that, because that's basically what we've been asked to do. What we're trying to do here, that I feel you may be missing, is address the core of the issue...
  8. D

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    Not shameless enough, show us some skin.
  9. D

    1.6.4 Packs don't work

    Ah, I suppose that is possibly the case. I was working under the assumption that he posted that the packs "don't work" after actually trying to play them.
  10. D

    Advanced Machines Doesn't Work on DW20 1.6.4 Pack

    Check the following: FYI, if you don't understand how block IDs work, you probably shouldn't be adding mods to FTB that aren't included. More info on that here...
  11. D

    1.6.4 Packs don't work

    I believe we're going to need rather a lot more information than that, old chap. It's really very difficult to troubleshoot "It doesn't work, make it work!" remotely. Please start by describing what is actually happening beyond "it's not working", and post any pertinent logs following the...
  12. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    FTB team, after a week of watching this thread, please know that I sympathize very, very, *very* much with what you have to put up with when preparing to release a new pack. I can only hope that you fine folks don't get burned out over it and keep on delivering an awesome pack that never, in a...
  13. D

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    For me, when I start getting large amounts of resources coming in, I start assembling more "valuable" structures; I was faced with resource glut in my last Unleashed server so I built a subway tunnel between my base and another friend's base; the walls and ceiling were all nether quartz blocks...
  14. D

    The Ongoing Battle Against The Spambots

    OOC: Hunh. I recognize all you people. This explains much about this thread...
  15. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    And I don't see you working on the pack; you don't know what kind of bugs they may have behind the scenes. That being said, I'm not intending to draw out an argument. The answer remains, have some patience, update yourself, it's two whole extra mouse clicks which is significantly less time and...
  16. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    Oh. You meant this Thursday past. Ok, that simplifies things a bit. Answer: have a little patience. It's not like being pushed to Recommended actually means much of anything, update manually. And bear in mind the bit you left out; the full text is: "[both packs] will be pushed to...
  17. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    Did..... did you just return to this thread to answer your own written question? I am now utterly confused.
  18. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    Soon™ ¹ ¹ The word "Soon" (and non-English localizations thereof) are patented intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc. and denote a word referencing an event that will fall at a relatively near but undefined time in the future. Used here by kind permission.
  19. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    A pack will only automatically update if two things are true; first, that your version is set to "Recommended", and second, if the new version has been flagged as the recommended version. In all other cases you will need to force the update by switching the version manually (in the drop down...
  20. D

    Horizons 1.0.9 and Monster 1.0.3

    Seriously Eyamaz, funniest thing I've seen all day. And I've been up almost 24 hours.