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  1. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    Yes. All of my code is licensed under the most permissive license I could find.
  2. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    Applying The One True Guide:
  3. S

    Signature Policy Update

    While we're on the subject, I'd personally like to see spoiler tags in signatures de-emphasized (in terms of color/weight). Them being identical to their in-post counterparts makes it hard to differentiate between the post and the signature at a glance. As a quick example, compare: to
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    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    There's not too much of a difference, given that pulling a current mod and not updating a closed source mod for recent Minecraft versions amount to the same thing given some time.
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    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    @10paktimbits, judging by how many people were happy to see Eloraam return, I'm not sure it's possible to lose the trust and goodwill of "the fans." If you want to continue developing your mod, just recreate your thread and do it. I have a hard time believing that people will be upset that a mod...
  6. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    Actually, even .sln/.*proj files are increasingly discouraged from being checked in, and are more and more being built with external tools (especially for multi-platform projects). For example, Valve's Source SDK 2013 repository uses a command line tool (Valve Project Creator) to generate...
  7. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    You're blowing this out of proportion. It's not a big deal; we're making silly mods for a silly game. If you want to stop making your mod, go right ahead (but if you have no intentions of maintaining it, there's not much to lose from open sourcing it, is there?). If you want to return and start...
  8. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    With every commit, you're irreversibly bloating the size of the repository. Due to how git works, everyone that clones your repository downloads the entire history upfront, meaning that if at any point your repository had large files committed, they will always contribute to the size of the...
  9. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    Just FYI, you committed way more to the repository than you should have. You should not commit the .gradle, eclipse, or out directories. You should not commit the .iml, .ipr, or .iws files. These things will differ from user-to-user and/or build-to-build and do not belong in version control...
  10. S

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Updated The Spice of Life to v1.2.2 (for Minecraft 1.6.4/1.7.2/1.7.10)
  11. S

    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    Out of curiosity, what are you protecting it from and how does your decision further that goal?
  12. S

    Please Read.Soon to be Modder?

    The key basic skill is programming. If you're not familiar with programming concepts, you need to get familiar, because the language is not as important as the concepts. What's a variable? What's a condition? What's a loop? What's a method/function? What's a class? What's an object? etc, etc, etc.
  13. S

    Please Read.Soon to be Modder?

    For a first mod (especially when you are just learning how to program), I'm not sure having the best idea is important at all. What's more important is having a clear idea of what you want to create. This will help you know what you need to learn, and make it more likely that you'll get help...
  14. S

    Simple Modding Q&As

    I'm not terribly knowledgeable about the ore dictionary, but from what I know, getOreID isn't reliable because a given ItemStack can be registered under multiple OreDictionary entries (meaning your current code could easily misbehave and give you the wrong ore ID if the item is registered under...
  15. S

    "[STDOUT] You have some mods with DRM, you must remove these to continue"

    What's the alternative explanation? That someone smart enough to "reverse engineer FML" is also dumb enough to take that PR seriously? That they just happened to used a throwaway Github account for it without realizing what they were doing? That they said things like "These are not only my...
  16. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    Ok. Just to clarify my stance, I agree that there is a use case for some sort of FormattingHelper-type class that makes applying formatting codes easier. I'm not sure String constants are the best solution to that (though I recognize that they help a bit), but as long as EnumChatFormatting is...
  17. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    So I take it you also have a DirectionHelper where you define public static final int DOWN = 0 instead of using ForgeDirection.DOWN? EnumChatFormatting is exactly what Enum's are for. I'll save you the tremendous effort (5 seconds using a regex find+replace): public static final String BLACK...
  18. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    @Democretes, I admit in this instance it's a minor thing that more than likely won't cause any issues for you, but that's a really weird stance for you to take. It's not a lot of work at all for you to fix, and it actually obscures information: any new modder might assume that Minecraft code...
  19. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    No clue what you mean, but that can't possibly be true. As I said before, EnumChatFormatting.BLACK.toString().equals(StringHelper.BLACK). They, by definition, have to be able to be used for the same purposes. They are exactly equivalent. If you're concerned about keystrokes, just implement...
  20. S

    Code Snippets/Classes

    Yes, but that can be done using event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT in the @Mod.EventHandler's. I mean, it's not a terrible thing to use @SidedProxy if it helps you organize things in some way, but it's weird to see it promoted in some tutorials as basically a requirement for any mod when it seems to...