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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Interesting, good thing I do have a Silk Touch diamond pick, so I just need to find another diamond vein and find the program to do so.
  2. Y


    Would you be able to upload an image of said Aura node(s)? That would help on identifying the node correctly and how to deal with it. :)
  3. Y

    Yogscast on FTB

    So how about them Yogcast people? I used to watch them a while back, but some of their videos got too gimmicky for my taste, plus I recall there being some problem with the guy that uses the weird dwarf skin and some other guy in a convention, that's about the time I stopped really paying...
  4. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Speaking of turtles, is there a way to program them to mine/ excavate as they would normally, but while avoiding diamond blocks? Other than for getting one's first few needed diamonds, I find it a bit of a waste to mine diamonds with anything but a Fortune Pick. :p
  5. Y

    New Launcher design | We need you!

    Hmm, how about instead of 4 small buttons on top, just 2 wide-ish buttons on top of the square, and 2 below it?
  6. Y

    How do you get around your world?

    Update: Apparently I underestimated a Large-Biomes Ocean, just went 16K (2K in Nether) in every cardinal direction, no land! I think I'm just going to go ahead and turn this world into a Mystcraft Dimension on a different world... (I do recall reading recently a thread on how to do it, so it...
  7. Y

    How do you get around your world?

    So far still don't need anything, I live on a small island, and with the high amount of ravines/ mines nearby, I still don't need to search too far underground to find resources. I guess if I had to say tho, Boats and Animal Bikes are my main transports for now, which I use to explore around...
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    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, because of this, all the creepers want to hug you at once... I wish I could finish my main series of levels in LittleBigplanet(2).
  9. Y

    A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

    Granted, but its Hoboken. I wish Metal Gear Rising would get a price drop already.
  10. Y

    No minimap after update?

    It should be obvious, but just in case, DO NOT click on the above link, its one of those links. (Phishing/ scam) Edit: Taken care of by the Mods, disregard. :)
  11. Y

    Which FTB-packet is the one with the most guaranteed future?

    Really, any, as long as their corresponding team/ person keep in touch with the FTB team. Altho technically ultimate could be the one supported the longest, it could also be the one with the shortest lifespan, simply because of the amount of mods it has and needs to update. At this point its...
  12. Y

    Why i hate Xycraft

    I'd say just do what Thaumcraft does, put them into blocks and get the crystals when you break them. There's no real reason to have the crystals themselves on the world gen anyways. Its like having Iron ingots just popping out in air pockets for no reason.
  13. Y

    i think i have a wisp problem....

    You could always just dig under the place and get the treasure from under. :p
  14. Y

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    Where does it say it was made in creative?
  15. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Ah I see, hopefully the charging station thing works. As I said, I uninstalled IC2, thus why I'm looking for non-IC2 ways to power it, MFE/ MFSU are Ic2 machines if I recall correctly, no? (Or are ther UE? I don't really know about that mod.)
  16. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Don't I still need a machine to power the suit itself? Or does the converter also work as a way to place and recharge stuff?
  17. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Oh well, I'll try adding UE I guess, thanks.
  18. Y

    burned out, help?

    I'd recommend just taking a break, play some other stuff, wait for a bunch of mods to update/ be added so you can return to a lot of new stuff. Unfortunately, if you're burned out, you're burned out. Alternatively, you could start playing worlds in Hardcore difficulty or Adventure mode/ maps...
  19. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a way to power Modular Power Suit in the D20 pack without IC2? Uninstalled a while back and kinda figured this would have its own power source. :P
  20. Y

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Aright, draining the ocean it is! Thanks.