Search results for query: fuck

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  1. T

    Problem Twitch

    Hello, why the fuck is Twitch auto downloading and why do i need to create an account to Login in the FTB Launcher. I dont want a Twitch account, i dont want that shitty spam mails from Twitch and i dont use it.
  2. ICountFrom0

    Exile to the Dark Grid

    I think this must be punishment. I've been in the void before, this is nothing like that. I've had rough starts before, this is nothing like that. Even in the worst of times I could see a tree, or they'd given me some lava. There was always something. Here and now, everything looks out of...
  3. T

    Problem Need help with wither grinder. (FTB Infinity Evolved) I don't know what the actual hell is wrong with these things, but something is not right. They shouldn't be so high-maintenance if they fuck up every time you log out and back in. If anything, it's a bug that hasn't been fixed for years now. I know I'm doing everything right, because...
  4. R

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...story and you're willing to hand them the city on a plate? To see them round up every adult and march them out to fight? On the promise of a fucking cave interior? I thought you were better than this, Tuite." He turned to Rowlands. "I thought you were all better than this." He swung in with a...
  5. Bigglesworth

    Request Looking for a Action Bar Mod - Please Suggest

    Holy fuck i found something finally. Ive looked for at least 8 hours over the last 4 days. This makes the game much less tedious. I've already proposed to the guy.
  6. the_j485

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT} doom herself by being as stubborn as she had been. Christ, what kind of idiot breaks a bottle over a man's head just like that? "Put your fucking revolvers down, Ravyn," he said, frustration still lingering in his voice. "No one's stupid enough to think outing today's events are a good...
  7. S

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...the eyes of her assailant and uttered, "Yeah, whatever. I'll shut up about this whole piece of shit. Just one condition." "All of you? Get the fuck anyway from me. I just wanna be alone for now, away from anyone, and especially from you fucks. And I won't be afraid to expose our little...
  8. S

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...beneath the cloak and failed to connect. A swift counterpunch whistled towards her, but she swayed away from the blow. Oh great. The motherfucker who sent Guntram flying with one punch and his drone disabling friend. Apollo, wasnt it? Though he couldn't understand it, it was clear to Dan...
  9. S

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...Spider grinned ever wider. "Excellent! Now, execute these intruders!" The small squad took aim, weapons firing in a sustained burst. "" Raptus collapsed under the hail of sustained gunshots, his torso literally shredded by the sheer volume of...
  10. W

    Question about Sky Factory 3.

    ...the config folder for environmental tech by editing minable.json with something like notepad++, you'd have to learn how to write it in the correct format but that isn't too hard. You'll need the specific ore name and I'd make a backup of the .json somewhere just in case you totally fuck...
  11. W

    Steve's Carts - Automating the Hydrator?

    Aqueous Accumulator and Thermal expanfoundynamicultivation or whatever the fuck they're callin' it this week. Basically an automatic source of water, Extra Utilities Liquid transfer node with a mining upgrade does the same, there is also the reservoir from Ender I/O and probably a couple others...
  12. D

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Interesting, it has all of 35 downloads on curse/twitch or whatever the fuck it's called now.
  13. the_j485

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...a strong fighter is his own right. Jerana, however, he was shocked to realise, had shot at Wolff, though he missed the result. "Jerana, what the fuck are you doing? You aren't helping anyone by picking that side! Fuck, this is the guy who mutilated children! You think he was able to research...
  14. Pyure

    [Game Thread] Fallen Angels Werewolf

    jesus dude, you just invented mafia-RP. I'm SO IN.
  15. the_j485

    [Game Thread] Fallen Angels Werewolf

    ...barely make out the face, but when he was only a few yards away, I recognised none other than Pyure, an old friend. I greeted him as warmly as I would any friend, hoping to commiserate with him. Yet he did not seem to share this plan, no. The fuck shoved me in a puddle and ran off. Good enough?
  16. F

    Open Blood Magic death - no grave

    I had this happen too, glass dagger, on top of altar. No grave, draconic gear.. ended up making another set . couldnt find a fix... then blew up the altar.. fuck that shit
  17. T

    Good vs. Evil

    9 Fuck Trig
  18. Lumaceon

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...was, but now at least, you just enjoy it, don't you." His teeth grated as he said it. He then spoke to his comrades. "We may all die here, but fuck me if I'm turning and running. I'm not religious, but if there's a hell, I'll continue the fight there for you guys. I'm not going to talk tough...
  19. the_j485

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...cause. Aren't you all just like Spider, willing to take any precaution to root out all opposition so that you keep onto the throne? I'll be fucking frank with you. I never joined this shithole because I liked what they did. Nor do I want to become a martyr out of all of this. Only 3 reasons...
  20. LivingAngryCheese


    ...another some strange jewellery, and the last some kind of mini chainmail and was carrying a crossbow that was way too big for its body. 'You fucking idiot!' Calhoun shrieked. The hooded goblin stared at the ambush taking place, but quickly sprang into action. A shadow seemed to peel off of...