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  • Let's see how many people construe Eloraam's Blog "Please check back soon for updates." message to mean mashing F5 every tenth of a second.
    Well hello there, Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel #1. May you make the Matter Fabricator much happier.
    WTB: Autarchic Gate with a faster Energy Pulser. There's no way these saplings can move fast enough with that thing...
    Factorization Router Sorting Warehouse v1 completed. Next up: generating some more IC2 power.
    Ever make a sorting system with Factorization Routers? They have some pretty fun quirks. =)
    Seeing all the Mac OS X foofiness with the launcher makes me somewhat glad I ceded my Apple Certified Professional status 5 years ago...
    News flash: asking first-tier confirming questions to initiate support is now "rude". Or so says some random guy on the Internet.
    Okay, looks like an early migraine-induced turn-in time for me! Better luck tomorrow, I hope...
    Trying to find a way through it. Not finding much beyond the troubleshooting you've already provided, considering from a software standpoint he's all but totally exposed himself and it's still doing it.
    I'm out of ideas entirely
    Looks like he missed a Norton block and has resolved it. That's good, I was just about to have to start throwing really obscure Microsoft hotfixes at him to attempt to fix his IPv6 stack otherwise.
    I like to help people who can (a) keep reports concise and relevant (b) use hard returns when that fails. The rest hurt my brain.
    Oh hey, congrats fellow trusted user :)
    Congratulations to you as well. Apologies if I came off as boorish in the suggestions thread; I've been in the business a very long time and that tends to calcify my viewpoint towards how to do things. ;)
    No hard feelings! My apologies if I came off as a bit harsh as well :)
    Oh yeah, I did say I was going to sleep an hour ago... why am I still mashing the "New Posts" button again? Easily distracted, I guess.
    <bad joke>The Magma Crucible is so overpowered it overheated my video card. Not the kind of Thermal Expansion I was looking for.</bad joke>
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